72 corporate members join INMA in 2021
INMA News Blog | 06 December 2021
It has been an extraordinary year for the International News Media Association (INMA). Not only has the organisation added to its repertoire of initiatives and increased its offerings of Webinars, town hall briefings, master classes, and virtual conferences, it has grown by 72 new corporate members, bringing its total individual membership to 19,533+ in 82 countries.
These 72 new corporate members bring INMA’s total corporate community to 196 media companies, representing 901 news brands in the INMA community.
This phenomenon has made 2021 amid a pandemic the biggest growth year for INMA in decades. We offer a big thanks to the Meta Journalism Project for their membership support via the Readers First Experience this year.
As we share expertise, insights, benchmarks, and experiences, we are also sending many welcome messages these days. We are working to make sure everyone who has access to INMA through these new corporate memberships is receiving special sign-up links, onboarding messages, and access to INMA’s growing vault of content at INMA.org.
Raquel Meikle, INMA’s business development manager, often reminds me of INMA President Damian Eales’ words: “INMA is an indispensable community for the news industry. We have become the most trusted community, a safe place where ideas can be shared and peers who have only our interest at heart reside. That is a rare space in any industry.”
This year’s new corporate members include:
26 companies from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
- Austria: Der Standard Verlagsges.m.b.H.
- Belgium: Froomle; Groupe Rossel; Roularta.
- Cypress: Notix.
- Denmark: Information.
- Germany: Badischer Verlag/Badische Zeitung; DuMont Regionalmedien; PD Digital; Smartico; Stuttgarter Zeitung Verlagsgesellschaft; Taz - Die Tageszeitung.
- Italy: Eidosmedia; RCS MediaGroup.
- Kenya: Nation Media Group.
- Lebanon: Layout Intl.
- Lithuania: Delfi Lithuania.
- Poland: Gremi Media.
- Portugal: Impresa SA.
- Spain: Vocento.
- Sweden: Tidningsutgivarna (TU) Service; United Robots.
- United Arab Emirates: Majarra.
- United Kingdom: DC Thomson Media; JPIMedia; Crux Knowledge.
35 companies from The Americas
- Argentina: La Gaceta S.A.; La Nación; RED/ACCIÓN.
- Brazil: Bandeirantes Media Group/Vibra; Grupo de Comunicação O Povo; Grupo RBS; Jornal do Commercio; Metro Jornal; Nexo Jornal; Rede Gazeta; S.A. O Estadao de S. Paulo.
- Canada: Brunswick News Inc. La Presse; Postmedia Network Inc.; Viafoura.
- Chile: Grupo Copesa.
- Colombia: La Opinión.
- Costa Rica: Grupo Nación.
- Guatemala: Prensa Libre, S.A.
- Jamaica: The Gleaner.
- Mexico: El Universal.
- United States: American Press Institute; Forum Communications; McClatchy; Newsweek; ResponsiveAds; Tampa Bay Times; The Atlantic; The Boston Globe; The Philadelphia Inquirer; The Post and Courier; The Washington Times; Verizon Media; WEHCO Media, Inc.
- Uruguay: El País S.A.
11 companies from Asia
- Bangladesh: MRDI.
- India: Business Standard; The Indian Express.
- Japan: Nikkei.
- Malaysia: Malaysiakini; Sin Chew Daily.
- Philippines: Philippine Daily Inquirer.
- Singapore: FewCents; Mediacorp.
- Taiwan: CommonWealth Magazine Group.
- Thailand: Bangkok Post.
We extend the warmest of welcomes to these new corporate members.
We are also grateful for our renewing corporate members who have stuck with us during the pandemic and continue to renew at record rates. This year, INMA enjoyed a 92% renewal rate for those who already held a corporate membership.
This is good news for all. As the aggregator of all the brain power from this network, INMA is stronger when our membership remains steady and growing.
If your company is on our corporate member roster, share INMA with your colleagues. Let them know they can access INMA’s resources by reaching out to us. We will welcome them as heartedly as we have welcomed you.