Better understand how to change newsroom culture, and how to position your organisation for digital transformation.
User needs and quality metrics serve as important guideposts for expanding audience and engendering loyalty.
Ensure your content strategy is reflective of the audience’s interest in multimodal storytelling and “liquid content.”
Evolving into a data-driven newsroom, including what that means and how to measure success, will be a key focus.
Get bi-weekly Newsroom Transformation Initiative newsletters in your inbox. Sign up here
Join newsroom peers for practical members-only Webinars.
How to build a more durable, loyal audience is the focus of the October Newsroom Transformation Master Class. We will delve into loyalty metrics, franchise topics, newsletters, other strategies to increase direct traffic and more. See schedule here
Download our latest reports on newsroom transformation. Click here to view.
Join us for the World Congress Newsroom Transformation seminar in New York or join us at the Newsroom Transformation Hub at Media Innovation week.
Corporate members may connect with Newsroom Initiative Lead Amalie Nash for private briefings on newsroom innovation. Contact INMA
February 19 | Webinar
February 26 | Webinar
March 05 | Webinar
March 11 | Meeting
April 08 | Meeting
The mission of the INMA Newsroom Transformation Initiative is to bring newsrooms into the business of news. The INMA Newsroom Initiative was approved by the association’s Board of Directors and implemented February 1, 2022, and was augmented for 2024 to dive deeper into the practicalities of newsroom transformation.
Amalie Nash is the head of transformation for the National Trust for Local News in the United States and previously served at Gannett | USA Today Network in various capacities, including senior vice president local news and audience, editor and vice president of audience engagement at The Des Moines Register, as well as stints at the Detroit Free Press and Ann Arbor News.