INMA 30 Under 30: Maria Sakki of Financial Times

By Paula Felps


Nashville, Tennessee, United States


In September 2023, INMA awarded 30 young professionals around the world with its fourth “30 Under 30” award as part of its Young Professionals Initiative. This is the 21st in a series of 30 features about the impressive rising media stars who are shaping our industry.

Although Maria Sakki has an impressive grasp of numbers and data, she is also well known for her exceptional people skills.
Although Maria Sakki has an impressive grasp of numbers and data, she is also well known for her exceptional people skills.

In just four years at the Financial Times, Maria Sakki has made impressive strides — including two promotions that have taken her to the position of lead data analyst.

And while she has an impressive grasp of numbers and data (backed up by a master’s degree in statistics), she is also well known for her exceptional people skills.

With a rare ability to make complex topics easy for stakeholders to understand, she has driven changes smoothly and created a sense of unity and cohesion amongst her team. This has led to developing a culture focused on data-driven decision-making.

Beyond her technical proficiency, Maria’s impact is seen in her ability to inspire and educate her colleagues, fostering a data-driven culture within the FT. Her adaptability and commitment to continuous learning have allowed her to excel in new product development teams and contribute to the FT’s growth.

About Paula Felps

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