
Where subscriptions are going next for news media is the focus of this half-day seminar curated by Readers First Initiative Lead Greg Piechota. During this case study-driven seminar, we will look at engaging under-represented segments, data-driven tactics to reduce churn, nurturing habits with state-of-the-art subscriber onboarding, and maximising the value of subscriptions for consumers.


May 23

11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Seminars welcome coffee

Join colleagues for a welcome tea or coffee before diving into the day’s seminars.

1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Subscriptions Seminar

Setting the stage for putting readers at the heart of your subscription strategies. See key insights and learnings from the subscription seminar. Learn how to stay in touch with the INMA community through Readers First Initiative newsletter, Slack channel, master classes and Webinars.

Readers First Initiative Lead, INMA, United Kingdom

Greg Piechota





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