AI and tech opportunities
Shifting revenue models
Newsrooms and business of news
The new subscription growth path
Accelerating digital transformation
As news media tracks hot toward an impactful all-digital universe, vulnerabilities challenge and distract.
2023 marks a “midnight moment” in which it is neither today nor tomorrow.
How to lead and manage through this inspirational environment is the focus of the great in-person return to New York of the INMA World Congress of News Media.
Across five days of a horizon-defining conference, practical workshops, and a first-class study tour of Manhattan innovators, INMA’s 93rd Annual World Congress will surprise, delight, benchmark, and calibrate.
Punctuate this world-class experience with the unveiling of the best and brightest at the Global Media Awards dinner at the Harvard Club. Toast to the return of peer-to-peer networking at Central Park’s exclusive Tavern On the Green. Connect privately with news industry experts in Ask Me Anything sessions.
“The Midnight Moment” reflects the steadfast focus on the path to digital while managing the debris in our way:
Walk away from INMA New York refreshed and inspired by our globally diverse network. Embrace the “midnight moment” – and its Times Square twist.
Mix and match your participation: What fits your calendar and budget?
View all eventsFormer Editor-in-Chief, USA TODAY, United States
Nicole Carroll
Strategic Partner Manager, News, YouTube, United States
Kourtney Bitterly
Head of Global News Product Partnerships, Google, United States
Genevieve Brennan
Director, News Partnerships, Google, United States
Ben Monnie
Head of Video, Semafor, United States
Joe Posner
The INMA World Congress attracts senior management from the leading news media companies in 50+ countries: CEOs, publishers, general managers, digital leaders, advertising executives, audience executives, marketing executives, editors, product professionals, and researchers.