Low Lands Innovative Media Study Tour

JUMP TO: Sunday | Monday | Tuesday

Sunday, 23 September

20:00 - 22:00

Lloyd Hotel and Cultural Embassy
Oostelijke Handelskade 34, 1019 BN Amsterdam, Netherlands
Room: Het Salon

Study Tour Kick-off Night for Study Tour Participants.

INMA's study tours are considered the best in the news media industry. Get a front-row seat and experience a deep dive into these companies. We kick-off this study tour with some informal drinks and some hors d'euvres.

Trude Margel Trude Margel
European Division President, INMA and Study Tour Guide, Norway LinkedIn@t_margel

Robert Robert Whitehead
Media Disrupter and Study Tour WisemanLinkedIn

Monday, 24 September

08:15 - 08:30

Lloyd Hotel and Cultural Embassy
Oostelijke Handelskade, Amsterdam

Departure from Lloyd Hotel

Study tour participants hop on bus at 08:20 for departure by bus at 08:30 sharp to first study tour stop.

09:00 - 11:00

NRC Media

Visit to NRC Media
Nes 76, 1012 KE Amsterdam

NRC Media, The Netherlands award-winning quality daily, is known the world over for their overhaul of their whole digital subscription strategy. Dropping classic measuring tools for success such as 'circulation figures' for new and more apt KPI's and focusing on long-term relationships with subscribers (even selling 3-year long subscriptions!).

Robert Matthijs van de Peppel
Director of Marketing and Data, NRC Media@matthijsvdpLinkedIn

Peter Vandermeersch Peter Vandermeersch
Chief-Editor, NRC Media@pvdmeerschLinkedIn

Rien van Beemen Rien van Beemen
CEO, NRC Media@rien10LinkedIn

11:30 - 13:00

NRC Media

Visit to Vice Media
Reguliersdwarsstraat 90-92, 1017 BN Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vice is one of the fastest growing young media brands in the world. Vice Media is a North American digital media and broadcasting company. Originating from the Montreal-based VICE magazine founded in 1994. Vice expanded primarily into youth and young adult-focused digital media, including online content verticals and related web series, the news division Vice News, a film production studio, and a record label among other properties. In 2015 VICE Media was called “a poster child for new-media success — especially when it comes to attracting a valuable millennial audience.”

13:30 - 14:30


14:30 - 16:30

De Persgroep De Persgroep NL

Visit to De Persgroep
Jacob Bontiusplaats 9, 1018 LL Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Persgroep Nederland is the largest newspaper publisher in The Netherlands. It is part of De Persgroep NV, a media company now active in three European countries: De Persgroep Publishing (Belgium), De Persgroep Nederland (Netherlands) and Berlingske Media (Denmark).
The publishing company grew from a national player in Belgium to one of Europe's largest and leading news media companies over the course of 20 years. De Persgroep acquired Amsterdam's city paper Het Parool in 2003 and acquired Mecom Group in 2014; adding PCM Uitgevers in The Netherlands.
De Persgroep Nederland is an ambitious, leading publisher reaching more than 6m unique consumers every day; publishing three national newspapers, seven regionals, and a host of other media brands online, in TV, and more.

Lauren Van Der Heijden Lauren Van Der Heijden
Director Corporate Sales, Member of the Board, De Persgroep NederlandLinkedIn

Roy Wassink Roy Wassink
Insights Manager, De Persgroep NederlandLinkedIn

Hans Nijenhuis Hans Nijenhuis
Chief-Editor, AD, De Persgroep NederlandLinkedIn

Corinne Van Duin Corinne van Duin
Editor, De Volkskrant (Magazine), De Persgroep NederlandLinkedIn

16:30 - 17:30

Startups for News Show-off

News media startups present themselves to participants in quick, to-the-point presentations. Each of these startups have launched (or are in the process of launching) their product/service that helps the news media industry innovate; some on the business-side, others on the journalistic-side. Either way, you will want to take note!

Blendle: The Data Science of Newsletter Headlines

Blendle isn't new, and most in the news industry know Blendle. Yet this presentation isn't your usual “What is Blendle” presentation. Instead, this presentation will share some of the insights behind the creation of Blendle's newsletter headlines and the data science behind it all.

Kim Einder Kim Einder
Editor, Blendle@Kim_EinderLinkedIn

Yipiy: The Future of News Engagement

The individual bond between readers and news companies may be lower than ever. Yipiy integrates innovative interaction elements into newspapers' Web sites for higher retention and revenues.

Rutger Rutger Tulleken
CEO, Yipiy


Nwzer: The World's First A.I.- and Blockchain-Powered Citizen Journalism

What if Reddit, Twitter and Wikipedia had a baby? Nwzer aims to put the power of news production into the hands of creators, journalists and readers rather than in the hands of publishers.

Karim Maassen Karim Maassen
Founder and CEO, Nwzer@KarimMaassenLinkedIn

Newsadoo: reinventing the newspaper digitally.

Newsadoo creates a European news ecosystem and at the same time your own personal digital daily newspaper.

Johannes Knierzinger Johannes Knierzinger
Co-Founder and Head of Partner ManagementLinkedIn

18:00 - 18:45


Restaurant C
Wibautstraat 125, 1091 GL Amsterdam

Reinventing Digital Editions

In recent years, newspapers are re-discovering the power of editions as their core and unique value proposition. We interviewed eight leading publishers (Le Monde, Die Welt, The Independent, Ouest-France, The Economist) about their experiences with the creation and roll-out of successful digital-only editions, defined as a bundle of finite content, published via digital channels with a certain frequency, belonging to a series, and with no counterpart in print containing the same content. These pioneers have paved the way to the future of digital edition based publishing, that's why Twipe launched the research project “Reinventing Digital Editions” last year. Visit to Twipe's special office for the occasion: Restaurant C's top floor meeting room.

Danny Lein Danny Lein
Founder and CEOLinkedIn

18:45 - 21:30

Restaurant C
Wibautstraat 125, 1091 GL Amsterdam

Study Tour Dinner

Discuss Day 1 of the Low Lands Innovative Media Study Tour with fellow participants during a gastronomic dinner in Restaurant C.

Tuesday, 25 September

08:20 - 09:00

Lloyd Hotel and Cultural Embassy
Oostelijke Handelskade 34, 1019 BN Amsterdam, Netherlands

Departure for Day 2 of the Low Lands Innovative Media Study Tour

Bus departs at 08:30 from Lloyd Hotel

09:00 - 10:30


Visit to Wayne Parker Kent
Baarsjesweg 198, 1057 HR Amsterdam

Visit to Wayne Parker Kent

Is the biggest online publisher in The Netherlands with a large selection of online magazines with a total reach of 8 million readers. Their flagship brands include: Ensemble, Culi and Manners.nl. Publishing company Mediahuis took a minority share in early 2017.

Slaven Mandic
Co-Founder & CEO, WayneParkerKent@sMandicLinkedIn

11:00 - 14:00



Telegraaf Media Groep
Basisweg 30, 1043 AP Amsterdam

Visit to Mediahuis and Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG)

Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG) is one of the largest media companies in the Netherlands, with strong brands such as De Telegraaf (largest newspaper by circulation), DFT, Telesport, Metro, Autovisie, Privé and Vrouw; the online video platform Telegraaf VNDG; regional dailies such as Noordhollands Dagblad and de Gooi- en Eemlander; digital brands such as GeenStijl, Dumpert and Gaspedaal. TMG was acquired by Belgian media group Mediahuis as recently as 2017.

Marc Vangeel Marc Vangeel
CEO, Telegraaf Media Groep, The Netherlands and Chairman of The Board, Mediahuis, BelgiumLinkedIn

 Xavier van Leeuwe Xavier van Leeuwe
Director Consumers, Telegraaf Media Groep, The Netherlands@XvanLLinkedIn

Mandy VDW Mandy van der Wal
Director Video, Telegraaf Media Groep, The NetherlandsLinkedIn

Wim Hoogland
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, De Telegraaf, Telegraaf Media Groep, The NetherlandsLinkedIn

14:00 - 14:30


15:00 - 16:00



Lloyd Hotel, Room: The Playground (ground floor), Amsterdam

WeTransfer is a cloud-based file transfer service billed as the simplest way to send your files around the world. Every month, users in 195 countries send one billion files through their platform. Founded in 2009, WeTransfer has a dual revenue model split between advertising and premium subscriptions. The company has offices in The Netherlands and in the United States. In this briefing, learn more about WeTransfer's unique approach to advertising: the “WeTransfer experience” is built around their beautiful full-screen backgrounds, many of which are actually adverts which they sell to brands around the world. Also learn about WeTransfer Plus, their premium service where customers get bigger transfer sizes, storage, and password and personalisation options.

Rey Caacbay Rey Caacbay
Sales Director Benelux, WeTransferLinkedIn

16:00 - 17:00

Study Tour Closing Group Discussion and Drinks

Lloyd Hotel, Room: Platform 3, Amsterdam


Low Lands Innovative Media Study Tour Concludes