The Big Data for Media conference, in its fourth year, will be held at Thomson Reuters in New York's Times Square. The conference features the world's foremost experts on Big Data analytics science and technologies, and case studies that will inspire the innovation of Big Data departments and best practices. There are powerful insights in store for companies just starting out and already established in their Big Data strategies.
In this opening, we set the stage for what is happening in 2016 in the application of next-generation data analytics at media companies worldwide. This includes the results of a study by WNMN and an overview of the “three lanes” of Big Data for media companies worldwide by INMA.
Jodie Hopperton: Conference Moderator
International Media Consultant
@jodiehopJodie Hopperton LinkedIn
Martha Stone
CEO, World Newsmedia Network
@WNMNorgMartha Stone LinkedIn
Earl J. Wilkinson
Executive Director & CEO, International News Media Association (INMA)
@earljwilkinsonEarl J. Wilkinson LinkedIn
IBM recently purchased the Weather Company as the platform for their Internet of Things businesses. The Weather Company continuously gathers data about the oceans and atmosphere, and precisely forecasts the weather 96 times a day for every location on Earth. IBM envisions leveraging this data and cognitive computing platform for a multitude of uses as part of IBM Watson. The applications for using the data are endless, such as airlines using data to manage turbulence, Insurance companies using data to judge risk, and agricultural companies using data to manage crops. This presentation will analyze the future value of data and machine learning at media companies.
Domenic Venuto
General Manager, Consumer Division, The Weather Company @dvenutoLinkedIn
How Schibsted Media Group has developed an ambitious vision and is going “all-in” to turn data into a sustainable competitive advantage in advertising and into distinctive products for users in a challenging competitive environment and in a complex global organization: successes and learnings from creating the vision, building the organization, building the technology, shipping data products, to compete in a fast moving industry.
Edoardo Jacucci
Vice President Products for Data & Identity, Schibsted Media Group @edojacEdoardo Jacucci LinkedIn
How Condé Nast is driving audience growth by leveraging new and historic content on emerging platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. Learn more about Condé Nast's approach to building technologies that allow the New York-based magazine giant to leverage data on these platforms.
Ky Harlin
Vice President of Growth and Data Science, Condé Nast @kyharlinKy Harlin LinkedIn
Turner continues to invest in areas and products that allow the company to enhance the consumer experience, re-imagine advertising and act as a powerful resource to business partners. Powered by data, Turner is fostering a deeper understanding of its diverse audience portfolio-wide, including CNN, as well as outside of its own platforms, to make the user experience more relevant to the end consumer’s mindset. This consumer-centric approach extends to our advertising partners, allowing brands and agencies to more closely align with content and generate stronger advertising effectiveness across all platforms and screens.
Stephano Kim
Executive Vice President of Digital Strategy and Operations/Chief Data Strategist, Turner Broadcasting, including CNN Stephano Kim LinkedIn
Go deeper into this segment with speakers Domenic Venuto and Edoardo Jacucci, joined by Dan Aversano, of Turner Ad Sales.
Dan Aversano
Senior Vice President of Ad Innovation & Programmatic Solutions, Turner Ad Sales @danaversanoDan Aversano LinkedIn
Politico's approach to targeting advertising is employing programmatic advertising and data analytics to drive ad campaigns and build targeted audiences for advertisers based on behavioral insights. In this session, learn about the challenges and opportunities in the media landscape regarding Big Data in the advertising space.
Peter Cherukuri
Executive Vice President, Advertising and Business Development, Politico @petercherukuriPeter Cherukuri LinkedIn
The Post is hyper-focused on experimentation, which is paying off n the realm of data-related strategies. Burkett will discuss the Post's data-related strategies that feed into their revenue strategy, particularly Bandito, which is a technology that optimized content for clicks in real time; and Clavis, an Amazon-inspired technology that enables native advertising targeting.
Jeff Burkett
Senior Director, Product Strategy and Operations, The Washington Post @burk504Jeff Burkett LinkedIn
The Financial Times leverages audience, platforms, creative executions and metrics to drive revenue. Learn how the FT uses its vast stockpile of user data across platforms, and how the FT uses data to develop its product and sales strategy.
Brendan Spain
Vice President of Advertising in the Americas, Financial Times @spanishbrendanLinkedIn
Learn more about the Big Data Profit Center — including programmatic and revenue — with speakers Peter Cherukuri, Jeff Burkett, and Brendan Spain.
Four years ago, all of Hearst Corporation's 500 newspaper, magazine and business-to-business Web sites were siloed data operations. Through a steady strategy, Hearst integrated its data collection across media properties, systematically stored the content and usage data on the cloud each day, and hired data scientists to crunch the data and parlay the learnings into products with the business-side of the operation. One of the products created as a byproduct of the integrated content and usage data is a widget that determines trending articles across the global, 500-site Hearst network. The popular tool now will be used to earn advertising revenues against high-traffic aricles. This presentation will look into the four-year journey to the the monetization of data at Hearst, with examples and anecdotes.
Rick McFarland
Vice President, Data, Hearst Corporation
@statsrickRick McFarland LinkedIn
Jodie Hopperton
@jodiehopJodie Hopperton LinkedIn
Sports data has long been defined by game-level and play-by-play numbers. But now, thanks to optical recognition with game field/court cameras and radio-frequency transmitter chips in players' uniforms, on-field and on-court metrics represent a massive change in the sports data landscape. Tracking players' movements 25 times per second provides more precise content for rabid ESPN fans, differentiates ESPN from other sports publishers, and opens up sponsorship opportunities for advertisers. One such opportunity is sponsorship of the Basketball Power Index, which showcases top players' statistics for fans addicted to sports data.
Dr. Benjamin Alamar
Director of Sports Analytics, ESPN @benalamarespnBenjamin Alamar LinkedIn
Data-driven technologies are building the content business of the future which go well beyond a content management system. At Thomson Reuters, the newsroom teams partner with research and development to create technologies that create better storytelling and more efficiencies without a disruption to “business as usual.” For example, data journalism, polling, data visualization and the automatic generation of stories from data, created at great speed, without human intervention.
Reg Chua
Executive Editor, Editorial Operations, Data and Innovation, Thomson Reuters Reg Chua LinkedIn
Digital technology veteran Jay Kirsch will lead a discussion about content automation, data analytics, data visualization, new technology development, distributed content, tracking sensors are just some of the many hot-button technologies to implement for the future. Join Kirsch, Benjamin Alamar and Reg Chua for a discussion of these key issues.
Moderator: Jay Kirsch
Managing Director, Empirical Media @jaykirschLinkedIn
Digital media is entering a new era of distributed content model (publishers' content consumed outside their owned and operated properties), with a lot of questions unanswered. For example, will distributed models really help to enlarge the audience reach for publishers? What's the new definition of “traffic”? How about challenges on monetization (incremental vs. cannibalization? The Huffington Post is the pioneer to apply in-depth data analytics trying to answer these key questions with a holistic view of all HuffPost content across different platforms, audience, traffic pattern etc. to support decision-making by editorial, product, and business operations.
Vincent Wu
Head of Data Analytics, Huffington Post Vincent Wu LinkedIn
Axel Springer is creating a data-driven revenue powerhouse by using user data from marketing, classifieds, and content processed via real-time audience analytics and combining it with the Single Sign-On (SSO) identifiers. Axel Springer plans to achieve a broad portfolio of data, attractive to advertisers in Germany and the real-time personalization and targeting capabilities will allow the company to compete with global players such as Google and Facebook. Axel Springer is growing its SSO strategy beyond its biggest titles, Bild and Die Welt, and will roll out the registration scheme across the entire German Axel Springer group and other large German companies. Meanwhile, Axel Springer is adhering to the new EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Dr. Jana Moser
Head of Data Innovation, Axel Springer @data_mosJana Moser LinkedIn
Rachel Schutt literally has written the book on data science. As co-author of Doing Data Science based on a class she created and taught at Columbia University, Rachel today is chief data scientist at News Corp, which includes the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, New York Post, Times of London, The Sun, The Australian, Harper Collins, and more. In this presentation, Schutt will discuss the importance and challenges of building a culture of data in your media operation, including training and selecting the right candiates for your data department.
Dr. Rachel Schutt
Senior Vice President of Data Science, News Corp LinkedIn
This panel discussion featuring Jana Moser, Rachel Schutt, and Vincent Wu looks at how legacy media companies can build a solid Big Data operation. The most innovative, data-driven companies prepared for the future, armed with data scientists and analysts, data training programmmes, the latest technologies, engineering expertise, data journalism practices and distributed content platforms. Learn how to implement innovative data operations at your media company.
Jodie Hopperton
@jodiehopJodie Hopperton LinkedIn
Eric Hutchins
Dallas, Texas
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