What European media executives need to know now to put transformation
into practice

    Senior managers
    Newsroom managers
    Audience managers
    Advertising managers
    Research managers

Key topics

  • Programmatic advertising
  • How video grew up fast and the impact on storytelling and advertising
  • Developing new(s) products
  • Best ideas from Europe in marketing, advertising, editorial, analytics
  • How to sustain the pursuit of structured innovation
  • Cultivating an innovative culture: how to fail fast and be cost-effective
  • Turning "big data" into "smart data"
  • 2 ends of a burning rope: from legacy company to media startup

Confirmed keynote speakers

Attila Barta

Attila Barta
Head of Cadreon
Cadreon, Hungary
@attila_barta linkedIn

Frida Boisen

Frida Boisen
Social Media Strategist
Dagens Industri, Bonnier, Sweden
@fridaboisen linkedIn

Csaba Faix

Csaba Faix
Communications Manager
Prezi.com, Hungary
@csabafaix linkedIn

Laure Lefevre

Laure Lefevre
Founder & CEO
MinuteBuzz, France
@laurelefevre linkedIn

Tony Haile

Tony Haile
Chief Executive Officer
Chartbeat, UK
@arctictony linkedIn

Tobias Henning

Tobias Henning
General Manager Premium at Bild, Axel Springer, Germany

Alan Hunter

Alan Hunter
Head of Digital, The Times and Sunday Times, News UK, UK
@alanhhunter linkedIn

Emi Kolawole

Emi Kolawole
The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, Stanford University (The D-School), USA
@emikolawole linkedIn

Hanna Kouri

Hanna Kouri
Channel Director ISTV, Sanoma Media, Finland

Brie Logsdon

Brie Logsdon
Exhibition Designer and Planner & Editor at INMA, USA
@blog_sdon linkedIn

Sandy McLeod

Sandy McLeod
COO Print
Toronto Star, Canada

Dan Miller

Dan Miller
Director, Communications & Strategy Europe
VICE Media, UK

Paulo Mira

Paulo Mira
President & CEO
PHD Mobi, Brasil
@phdmobi linkedIn

Wayne Morgan

Wayne Morgan
Digital Director
Archant, UK
@wayne_morgan linkedIn

Sandé Naude

Sandy Naude
General Manager
Independent Newspapers, South Africa
@trippingsandy linkedIn

Dianne Newman

Dianne Newman
CEO for the UK & Ireland

Johanna Oberg

Johanna Öberg
Stampen Media Partner, Sweden

John Einar Sandvand

John Einar Sandvand
Chief Communications Officer
Schibsted Tech Polska

Adam Thomas

Adam Thomas
Chief Product Officer
Storyful, part of News Corp, Ireland
@paulmwatson linkedIn

Wouter Verschelden

Wouter Verschelden
Co-founder & Publisher
Newsmonkey, Belgium
@woverschelden linkedIn

Robert Whitehead

Robert Whitehead
McPherson Media Group, Australia

Earl Wilkinson

Earl Wilkinson
@earljwilkinson linkedIn

Anita Zielina

Anita Zielina
NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), Switzerland
@zielina linkedIn


Sunday, 18 October


International Board of Directors Meeting (invitation-only)


INMA European Board meeting (invitation-only)

Location: Bellini Room on first floor


Welcome Desk open for Conference participants

Pick up your badge early to skip the queue on Monday morning.


Conference Opening Reception at the Design Terminal

The Design Terminal is a beautiful designed building; formerly a bus terminal, now a startup incubator, event location, bar and restaurant, all in one.
Opening Reception


Monday, 19 October

Conference Moderators

Robert Whitehead Robert Whitehead
INMA International Board Member and Director at McPherson Media Group, Australia linkedIn

Frida Boisen Frida Boisen
Social Media Strategist at BonnierlinkedIn


Registration And Welcome Coffee


INMA European News Media Conference: Putting That Transformation Into Practice

Harold Grönke Harold Grönke, INMA European President
Managing Director at Verlag Dierichs, Germany @groelinkedIn

István Tarlós István Tarlós
Mayor of Budapest @tarlosistvan

Robert Whitehead Robert Whitehead, Conference Moderator
INMA International Board Member and McPherson Media Group, Australia linkedIn


News Media Outlook: Re-Imagining the Transformation

As exponential technological advancement destroys old value in industry after industry, legacy news publishers find themselves frantically transforming toward an end game few understand. In this presentation, learn where the quest to become digital is leading legacy and upstart publishers, what is happening internationally, and what the surprising value propositions are for media companies. Along the way, INMA will put in context Big Data, mobile, and programmatic to better understand where publishers are likely to land in the next five years.

Earl J. Wilkinson

Earl J. Wilkinson
Executive Director & CEO at International News Media Association (INMA)@earljwilkinsonlinkedIn


VICE News - Why Storytelling and Authenticity Matter

How a free punk magazine transformed into a digital media powerhouse. Learn what it is about VICE’s content that appeals to an international audience of young people.

VICE Media’s Director of Communications and Strategy, Dan Miller will outline VICE’s transformation from print to digital; offer insights into how the youth media brand engages millennial audiences through original video content; look at some of the platforms VICE uses to distribute its content and grow audiences; and examine how VICE News is disrupting, challenging and inspiring legacy media to evolve.

Dan Miller

Dan Miller
Director, Communications & Strategy Europe, VICE MEDIA @dananoraklinkedIn


The Prezi Story - How To Get Attention In The Crowded Media Sphere

How Prezi evolved from a small startup into a successful, global, company from Budapest with competitors like Microsoft, Apple and Google. Learn what is so unique to this company, its culture and in its communication that they can take on even the biggest of competitors.

Csaba Faix

Csaba Faix
Communications Manager, Prezi.com, Hungary @csabafaixlinkedIn


Networking & Coffee Break

Cultivating an Innovative Culture


The D.School Design Thinking Process And How It Can Help You Develop An Innovative Culture

To succeed in todays rapid and constantly changing world, you need to be creative and have the ability to realize new ideas constantly. Emi Kolawole will share the Stanford d.school’s design thinking process, which is meant to help foster individuals’ creative confidence and capacity for innovation. Emi came to the d.school from The Washington Post for a variety of reasons: to reset her understanding of what storytelling can be and gain a deeper understanding of media design. She also wanted to discover what really drives profits around content creation, how those drivers can be changed and, ultimately, how a renaissance can be born.

Emi Kolawole

Emi Kolawole
Editor-in-residence at The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University (’the d.school’ @Stanforddschool), Vice Curator for the Global Shapers of Palo Alto (@PaloAltoShapers) & founding editor of the Innovations section at The Washington Post, USA @emikolawolelinkedIn


Lean Processes And User Centered Design In The Newsroom

In 2012 Anita was a Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University, D.school in Palo Alto, doing research on online communities, user engagement, future of journalism, media entrepreneurship and on strategic innovation management in journalism.

She will share her experience of implementing parts of the d.school method in newsrooms, most recently at the newsroom of Neue Zürcher Zeitung (aka NZZ). “To innovate a newsroom, we use a mixture of Design Thinking, Lean methods, beta testing and just plain creativity work� she says.

Anita Zielina

Anita Zielina
Chief-Editor at NZZ, Zurich, Switzerland @zielinalinkedIn


Using the “Museum Engagement Design�-Techniques to Create Communities Around Great Content. A Thesis.

News media companies should be creating communities around engaging news experiences. Experiences are what will create differentiation from other companies and build loyal, engaged audiences. Ad partners have a role in these experiences as well, but not in the traditional ad formats.

In her thesis, Brie Logsdon and her team created a large, international news story and put it in a physical space. She studied museum engagement design techniques and applied them to the story the team created, turning it into an experience. Her current studies continue this initial investigation, designing spaces both physical and digital for people to delve into great content; at the same time learning about the communities that form around these institutions and exhibitions. Learn in this presentation the lessons that could help inform the news media industry about experience design.

Brie Logsdon

Brie Logsdon
Exhibition Designer and Planner, Editor, INMA.org @blog_sdonlinkedIn



Two Ends Of A Burning Rope: From Legacy Company To Media Startup


Integrating a Startup Culture into a Legacy Company

Storyful is a social media news agency that curates relevant Tweets, posts, and video from people in the center of news events worldwide. Storyful also provides social media dashboards, real-time discovery tools, feeds and analytics to customers. The company’s headquarters are in Dublin, with offices in New York and Hong Kong.

With innovation already a part of its young culture, Storyful faced the challenge of scaling its efforts when acquired by News Corp. in late 2013. Integrating scale with culture, Storyful created a manifesto. Storyful won the INMA Global Innovation Awards 2015.

Adam Thomas

Adam Thomas
Chief Product Officer, Storyful @datatheismlinkedIn


Leaving A Comfy Job At Big Publishing Company To Launch Your Own Startup. 2 Years Into Newsmonkey: Early Lessons Learned.

Just under 2 years ago Wouter Verschelden left the Belgian newspaper De Morgen. Wouter, who was Editor-in-Chief, and a few colleagues left the legacy publishing company to launch their own startup news website Newsmonkey; a Buzzfeed-like news website. A year after launch Newsmonkey reached 1M Unique Visitors and on its way to turning break-even in 2015. Wouter will share early lessons learned and what traditional publishers can learn from Newsmonkey.

Wouter Verschelden

Wouter Verschelden
Co-founder & Publisher, Newsmonkey, Belgium @woverscheldenlinkedIn


Life at MinuteBuzz.com – Challenging the Traditional News Media in France

MinuteBuzz, a leading French entertainment media company, launched in November 2010. With 3M UV a month (Nielsen panel), MinuteBuzz has made a dent in the French media market by its success to reach millenials differently; How? the company combines viral video, news, lists and advertiser-sponsored content on mobile phones. Its key numbers: 75% of its traffic is made on mobile, 50M Facebook videos are viewed each month on its Facebook page, and 90% of their income is from native advertising. Learn from this innovative, 5-year-old startup.

Laure Lefevre

Laure Lefevre
Founder and CEO, MinuteBuzz, France@dananoraklinkedIn


Panel discussion with Adam Thomas, Wouter Verschelden and Laure Lefevre.

Content/ad-blocking technology: what next?


A wise men panel on content/ad-blocking technology:

Laure Lefevre

Laure Lefevre
Founder and CEO, MinuteBuzz, France@dananoraklinkedIn

Laure Lefevre

Emre Faks
Digital Engagement & Marketing Services Lead, Hürriyet Publishing, Turkey@emrefakslinkedIn

Gerold Riedmann

Gerold Riedmann
CEO & Chief-Editor, Russmedia Digital, Austria @geroldriedmannlinkedIn

Wouter Verschelden

Wouter Verschelden
Co-founder & Publisher, Newsmonkey, Belgium @woverscheldenlinkedIn


Networking Break

Developing New Products


Working With Developers To Create New(s) Products

How to get editors, marketeers and developers to work together on new products.
Schibsted Tech Polska is a programming hub in Krakow and Gdansk — working with many of the leading media houses in Norway and Sweden to develop innovative news products. The company now has 150 programmers and cooperates with 20 different Scandinavian companies, most of them media houses.
John Einar will share experiences of how programmers, product owners and editors used each other's competence in different development projects.

John Einar Sandvand

John Einar Sandvand
Chief Communications Officer, Schibsted Tech Polska@johneilinkedIn


Revitalising Local Media — Attracting young audiences to local newspapers

With an ageing base of readers, local newspapers need to attract a new audience. Using their knowledge and experiences from the group company, Stampen Media is developing new products attracting new readers to ensure the survival of local media. You'll learn specific examples from "Modern Women Media": Sweden's largest digital network targeted to a female audience and a part of Stampen Media.


Johanna Öberg
Chief Executive Officer, Stampen Media, Sweden linkedIn


Conclusions of the Day by Facilitator


Busses Leave for Conference Dinner from Boscolo Hotel

Conference Dinner hosted by Hungarian Publishers Association.


Tuesday, 20 October

07:25 - 08:25

INMA Ambassadors meeting in Budapest Room, floor 1. (invitation-only)

Turning “Big Data� into Smart Data


Content Solutions for Advertising Challenges: A Data Deep Dive

Tony Haile is Chief Executive Officer of Chartbeat, the attention measurement and monetization company that tracks 55 billion pageviews a month over 4,000 media companies including 80% of the top publishers in the US. Media companies in more than 60 countries around the world use Chartbeat to help them understand how people interact with their content and ads. Over the last five years, Tony has led Chartbeat from two guys around one desk to an 90+ person company. He is an Adjunct Professor of Journalism at Columbia University and has been named one of the Top 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company and 40 under 40 by Crain’s NY Business. Prior to entering the startup world, Tony competed in a round the world yacht race and led and managed polar expeditions in the high Arctic. Startups are similar, with less chance of losing a limb.

Tony Haile

Tony Haile
CEO, Chartbeat @arctictonylinkedIn


Data Analysis & Results from The European-Wide Reader Survey, In Print And Online: The INMA Trust & Value Survey 2015 – Powered by RAM.

A reader-panel survey across 130 newspaper titles in Europe; this 2nd edition of the INMA Trust & Value Survey – Powered by RAM, looks at how readers value their newspaper, its content and its advertising; in print and online. Learn about the results from the 2015 edition of this European-wide reader-panel survey.

Dianne Newman

Dianne Newman
Member of the INMA Research Expert grouplinkedIn

How Video and Mobile Grew Up Fast and The Impact on Storytelling and Advertising


Shortcut Into The Online Video Business: The Future Of TV: ISTV

Ilta-Sanomat, the largest news media in Finland, is one of the rare winners in the online video business. It has been able to turn a traditional newspaper into a truly multichannel media in which digital revenues grow faster than the print revenues drop. 90% of Ilta-Sanomat’s reach comes from digital channels - desktop and mobile. Hanna will present how to take a shortcut into the online video business by avoiding some of the most common mistakes media companies make when learning about online-videos.

Hanna Kouri

Hanna Kouri
Channel Director ISTV at Sanoma Media, Finland@kourihanna


Monetizing Mobile: Opportunities for Media Companies

By 2020, 3 billion more people will connect to the Internet for the first time — almost all via mobile devices. Check the trends in mobile for news media worldwide, specific examples of how publishers are using mobile to grow audience or revenue or change the rules in the mobile space. Also, emerging markets: what's happening there and how European media companies can benefit from them.

Paulo Mira

Paulo Mira
CEO at PHD Mobil@phdmiralinkedIn


Networking & Coffee Break

Sponsored by:


Visit their booth for the "Chartbeat Speed Demo: Putting Your Data to Work"

Programmatic Advertising


What The H*%^ Is Programmatic Advertising?

So you know it’s BIG. You understand over 70% of online advertising will come from “programmatic�. You understand it’s automated advertising sales, but that as far as it goes. Wayne Morgan will explain programmatic advertising, what it is, how to start with it and the opportunities and possibilities for publishers. With practical examples from Archant.

Wayne Morgan

Wayne Morgan
Digital Director, Archant, UK@wayne__morganlinkedIn


Running an RTB network across 10-markets; the opportunities for publishers.

Learn about the nuances of an operating programmatic agency network. The Strength, Weaknesses, Pitfalls and the Opportunities for publishers

Attila Barta

Attila Barta
Head of Cadreon, Europe@attila_bartalinkedIn

Brainsnacks — Speed, Agility, Adaptability and Creativity


INMA's Brainsnack Format

In our media industry, it’s all about Speed, Agility, Adaptability and Creativity. Many INMA members are known to possess these qualities thanks to INMA’s “Sharing Ideas, Inspiring Change� motto. Here are 8 Innovative case studies in the now renowned “Brainsnack format� from INMA members around the world.


6 Principles Russmedia Lives by to Grow Mobile Revenue — When the management team at Russmedia saw the numbers — 19% mobile traffic with only 0.9% mobile revenue — it forced a new era, one framed by the mobile success of Facebook. In 4 months time, mobile revenue was up to 30%.

Georg Burtscher

Georg Burtscher
CEO Marketing & Sales at Russmedia Digital, Austria@attila_bartalinkedIn

VG Partners with Advertisers to Test Location-based App — Verdens Gang is using location-based technology in its app to offer users incentives to engage with advertisers (aka "location based retargeting"). Coca-Cola and a Norwegian cinema chain have signed on for a pilot project using the app. The case shows that publishers can use beacon technology to serve hyperlocal ads as well as location based retargeting and achieve significantly higher conversion rates compared to traditional mobile advertising.

Alexander Rydfjord

Alexander Rydfjord
Commercial Head of Mobile at Verdens Gang (VG), Oslo, Norway@attila_bartalinkedIn

Digital Innovations

The Future of ‘Robot-driven Journalism’ is Here Already at Mittmedia. Bringing MORE Local News Than Ever Before and Anyone Else in Our Region(s) — MittMedia is at the frontline in Sweden in developing robotic written local. MittMedia believes that personalized content that gives the audience at the local level opportunity to find just "their news" is one key to success. But it requires much more local content than anyone is producing today – and it´s here that robot written articles can be a good solution.

Robin Govik

Robin Govik
Editorial Director for Business Development at Mittmedia, Sweden@rgoviklinkedIn

How We Got Our Website Traffic Up 300% in Just One Week. — Usually it’s about, as the session title says, being creative, agile, adaptable, fast. Sometimes luck comes into the equation… :)

Rob Duffield

Rob Duffield
General Manager at The Guardian, Australia@DuffieldRoblinkedIn

Data Analytics

5 Easy Steps To Start With Big Data — The relationship between better customer data management and doing better business is the focus of this Brainsnack Presentation that looks at the rollout of the long-term data strategy at De Persgroep. Learn 5 Easy but Key Steps for publishers.

Dirk Milbou

Dirk Milbou
Business Manager Consumer Relations at de Persgroep Publishing@dirkmilboulinkedIn

Pioneering datafusion leads to ground breaking results — One of the largest retailers in Denmark and the largest digital media brand created a unique partnership to turn their vast amount of data into a successful digital advertising case. Super Brugsen and Ekstra Bladet will share the results of this strategic collaboration, which has aimed to contribute to Super Brugsens digital transformation and to expand both partners mutual interest in leveraging data to increase effectiveness within digital advertising.

Jakob Nielsen

Jakob Nielsen
Business Development Manager at Ekstra Bladet, DenmarklinkedIn

NOBO: the Third Generation Research Method — In the early years of the Internet, media professionals very optimistic about online research: on the Internet, everything would be measurable! By now, we know better. Measurement tools and research has seen lots of development in quick succession. Learn about this “third generationâ€� online research from The Netherlands.

Erik Grimm

Erik Grimm
Chief Research Director at NDO Nieuwsmedia, The Netherlands @dirkmilboulinkedIn

Failing Fast And Moving On

Lessons Learned From 24Sata TV — 24sata TV was launched a few years ago by Styria Media Croatia. It didn't succeed, but lessons were learned and parts are now being used elsewhere. A succesful case of Failing Fast and Moving On.

Boris Trupcevic

Boris Trupcevic
Managing Director at Styria Media Croatia@boristrupceviclinkedIn



Rebranding A Legacy Newspaper to News Media


The Re-Branding of The Independent as a National Platform in South Africa

The story of a journey of a cash strapped victim of the Celtic Tiger's demise to today's New Indy and all the changes /innovations which are constantly evolving to morph old Indy into a new age multi platform media company.

Sandé Naude

Sandy Naude
General Manager at Independent Newspapers, South Africa@attila_bartalinkedIn

Earning Money With Content


The Three Models of Earning Money with Content – a Debate

Why The Toronto Star Abandoned Its Paywall. And What’s Next.

They tried; they tweaked it, and then tried it again. Then decided it wasn't worth the effort/time spent and killed it. Hear the Toronto Star's story on the rise and fall of their paywall.

Sandy Macleod

Sandy Macleod
Chief Operating Officer Print at Toronto Star & Metro, CanadalinkedIn

The Plus-environment: the golden middle ground?

Germany's biggest newspaper BILD introduced a freemium model 2 years ago. BILD can claim early success with more than 280’000 paying digital subscribers so far.

Tobias Henning

Tobias Henning
General Manager Premium at Bild, Axel Springer, Germany linkedIn

Pay up or leave: the "Hard paywall" by The Times of London

Alan Hunter

Alan Hunter
Head of Digital, The Times & Sunday Times, News UK, UK@alanhhunterlinkedIn


Panel debate


Summary of Day 2 by Conference Moderator


Conference Concludes

Wednesday, 21 October


Optional Extra: Continental Travel' Highlights of Budapest Tour

Discover the highlights of Budapest on a 5-hour guided tour; Be amazed by the magnificient Opera House (entrance included), the Heroes Square and the Vajdahunyad Castle, admire the beautiful Parliament building and taste the best Strudel in town while disovering how it is prepared (coffee-break includes 1 coffee + 2 strudles). Then cross the Danube on one of the emblematic bridges and discover the Castle District with the Mathias Church (entrance included) and to have a stunning view from the Fishermans’ Bastion (entrance included). — Reserve your ticket directly with Continental Travel via email — Price of the tour: €49/person


Boscolo Budapest Hotel Erzsébet krt. 9-11
1073 Budapest

Special INMA rate:

€179/€235 single/double, inclusive of breakfast, internet and taxes.
To get the special room rate, use this form to book your hotel room. The above mentioned special rate is guaranteed until September 14, 2015. You may still book a room upon availability but rates might differ.

Conference attendees

The INMA European News Media Conference will attract top managements from media companies throughout Europe

See Who will Be There

As of 15 February 2025










  • Tiina Asula, Director Sales Development - Key Accounts, Foreca Ltd.
  • Sirpa Kirjonen, Marketing and Research Director, News Media Finland (Uutismedian liitto)
  • Hanna Kouri, Head of Customer Communications & Engagement, Finnair Plc
  • Juha Siintola, Chief Executive Officer, Mediabox Oy













South Africa

  • Sandy Naude, Chief Executive Officer, Africa Community Media

South Korea




  • Emre Faks, Digital Experience & Advertising Solutions Lead, Hürriyet Publishing and Printing Co.
  • Bulent Mumay, Journalist

United Kingdom

United States

Ready to add your name to the list?

Register Now

Other details

When is it?

18-20 October, 2015 in Budapest, Hungary

What is the attire?

Business casual



What will the weather be like?

Expect 7°C-16°C

Get your company’s name out there — sponsor

Review the sponsorship opportunities and contact INMA's Tom Corbett to learn more.

Airport transfer

Options from Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport (30 minutes to hotel)

Airport Shuttle bus: around €10 per person. website here.
Boscolo Hotel transfer:
- Private car, maximum 4 people, €64 per car (approximate)
- If charge to room, 10% service charge
- To reserve, e-mail concierge@budapest.boscolo.com
- Driver will wait in arrival lounge with welcome sign
Regular taxi's are also available outside the airport terminal

About Budapest

Visit Budapest

How to get to venue

Click here for a map of the Summit venue at Boscolo Budapest Hotel.

Flights to Budapest

budapest flight map
See the 78 direct flights to Budapest

Programme committee

European Board of Directors

Cancellation Policy

There will be a cancellation fee of €350/p for any cancellation of registration after July 30. Cancellations are not possible one month before the conference. Registrants always have the possibility to have someone else take their place; written notice of the replacement together with name of the new participant must be sent to INMA beforehand.


Full conference package
Before 30 Jun
1 Jul - 15 Aug
16 Aug - 1 Oct
Full conference package
(includes INMA membership!)
Before 30 Jun
1 Jul - 15 Aug
16 Aug - 1 Oct

Register Now

Full conference package
Before 30 Jun
1 Jul - 15 Aug
16 Aug - 1 Oct

Register Group

* Group registration rates are for groups of 4 people or more. Email Tom Corbett for further information about group registrations.

** The non-member registration fee includes 1 year of INMA membership!

*** A Brainsnack Presentation is a short, to-the-point, 7-minute case study presentation shared by conference participants.

Conference registration includes: access to Opening Reception, Conference Dinner on Monday evening, Conference Sessions, Lunches and coffee breaks.


Questions? Contact us

Contact Tom Corbett


Tom Corbett
Antwerp, Belgium
Tel.: +32 486 37 13 36
Click here to e-mail me