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Theme: “How to Make Money By Shifting to Multi-Media Sales and Content”

Monday, April 26

What’s a “brainsnack”?
A “brainsnack” is a quick-to-the-point presentation on a subject. It is based on the unconference concept of Pecha Kucha, developed in Japan seven years ago and designed to impart a broad range of knowledge in a short period of time. Adapted to INMA, we will ask three best-practice leaders in our one-hour seminars to give seven-minute presentations with no more than 15 PowerPoint slides each, after which they will be cut off. We will spend 20+ minutes on presentations and 20+ minutes on questions before breaking and attacking a new subject.
7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Pre-Congress Brainsnack Seminar

8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Overview
>> Herman Verwimp, Seminar Moderator, and Director of Marketing, Gijbels Group, Belgium

8:35 a.m.
Getting a Bigger Bang From Your Branding Efforts
The Winter Olympics in Vancouver presented a unique opportunity for the Toronto Star, which took an interesting approach by giving away the newspaper for 17 days. Learn why, including how it fits within their overall brand philosophy.
>> Sandy MacLeod, Vice President/Consumer Marketing and Strategy, Toronto Star, Canada

8:50 a.m.
Unleash the Hidden Treasury of Your CRM Database
Customer relationship 1.0 is history. Now we have to create a new dynamic in our CRM database. The aim is to unleash the hidden treasury of the customer database. The presentation will show how different newspapers and magazine joined forces to create the biggest database of existing and potential customers for those companies.
>> Wolfgang Bretschko, Member of the Board, Styria Media, Graz, Austria

9:05 a.m.
The Myth of Integration: Why Channel Focus Still Matters
As the newspaper industry reportedly is dying, everyone suddenly talks about the “integrated news room.” But some patients still want to be treated by specialists rather than generalists. In fact, the cure for good journalism is channel focus, and Bruce Springsteen will be used to prove it.
>> Thomas Mattsson, Editor-in-Chief, Expressen, Stockholm, Sweden

9:20 a.m.
After the Cookie Crumbles: Privacy As the New Currency
Cookies are the Achilles heel of paid content and behavioral targeting approaches. Privacy concerns are on the rise. We’ll look at an emerging solution that preserves privacy and delivers a better customer experience with higher value content.
>> Steve Nilan, Vice President Marketing, Digital Technology International (DTI), USA

9:35 a.m.
Brain Break

9:50 a.m.
Know Your Reader?!?!
Content? Check. Eyeballs? Check. Salespeople? Check. So, what's wrong? It's Google. It's freeloader readers on the web. It's too much inventory. Maybe. But could it be that most publishers haven't a clue who their readers are, what they think, what they do, and what they want? What if we knew readers better than anyone else? What if we used that information to create better content? What if we used that deep insight to help advetisers? Don't be intimidated by words like “CRM,” “databases,” and “social media.” Focus on putting a strategy together that gets you insight and makes clear how you will use it.
>> Roger Dunbar, Vice President/Business Development and Marketing, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada

10:05 a.m.
DN - Live
Dagens Nyheter wanted to increase the interaction with its readers in order to strenghten loyalty. Solution: the fourth channel after print, web, and mobile: DN Live, the meeting place.
>> Johan Othelius, Director, Consumer Market, Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, Sweden

10:20 a.m.
Kompas Daily's Initiatives in Boosting Single-Copy-Sales
A quality subscription-based newspaper still needs its single-copy-sales to increase its readership. A few initiatives done will be shown on this presentation.
>> Lukas Widjaja, Advisor to the CEO, Kompas Gramedia, Jakarta, Indonesia

10:35 a.m.
Mining and Marketing Archival Material for Significant New Revenue
Newspaper archives — particularly photographic archives — represent an untapped and significant source of revenue for many newspapers. Learn how The Spokesman-Review has used technology, logistics and intellectual-property management skills to build a new source of high-margin income based on the the power of yesterday's news and just-in-time manufacturing.
>> Shaun Higgins, Director, Marketing and Sales, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, USA

10:50 a.m.
Product Development as Brand Building
Aftenposten's understanding of its brand has been the driving force behind its successful product releases — more than the development of its market. Featured in this presentation will be the re-thinking of A-magazine, the company's views on the internet, renewing its Saturday edition, and the release of Innsikt/Insight magazine.
>> Kjersti Loken Stavrum, Chief Editor Feature, Aftenposten, Oslo, Norway

11:05 a.m.
Brain Break

11:20 a.m.
Ten10 in 2010: Using an Event to Build Community and Revenues
How Gujrati Mid-Day used simple community insights to create a sporting event that involved the entire community and delivered a 50% profit margin.
>> Tariq Ansari, Managing Director, Mid-Day Multimedia, Mumbai, India

11:35 a.m.
Keep It Simple: Focusing On Core Competences
Let people use us as their “news and advertising tool”: How to involve the community in producing relevant and local content in print, online, and web radio.
>> Harold Grönke, General Manager, Verlag Dierichs, Kassel, Germany

11:50 a.m.
Pumping Life Into Single-Copy Sales
A Crítica's trademark is innovation. Creative campaigns boost sales and ensure continuous audience increase. Get ready to see daring ideas that have made A Crítica one of the most awarded newspapers in the Americas.
>> Dissica Calderaro, Director of Marketing and Planning, A Crítica, Manaus, Brazil

12:05 p.m.
Driving Mobile Revenues: Is the iPhone the Answer?
Many publishers are using the iPhone as part of its mobile marketing strategy. But is this the key to driving new digital revenues?
>> Mark Challinor, Managing Director, g8wave Ltd. London, United Kingdom

12:20 noon

12:25 p.m.
Conclude Brainsnack Seminar

Business Meeting

12:35 p.m.-12:45 p.m.
INMA Annual Business Meeting
During this meeting, learn about new INMA initiatives, elect new officers and directors, and honour retiring directors.

Pre-Congress Briefing

2:00 p.m.
Bus Departure from Marriott Marquis to TimesCenter
Buses will depart the Marriott Marquis (45th Street entrance between Broadway and 8th Avenue) for a short ride to the nearby TimesCenter, located at 242 West 41st Street (between 7th and 8th Avenue). If you are not taking the bus, please meet in the lobby of the TimesCenter at 2:15 p.m. for a group entrance.

2:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
The New York Times Executive Briefing
Hear from marketing executives with The New York Times as they provide an overview involving digital, online, circulation, and creative initiatives. The briefing will take place at The TimesCenter, the showcase events venue of The New York Times building.
>> Introduction: Yasmin Namini, Senior Vice President Marketing and Circulation, and General Manager, Reader Applications
>> Murray Gaylord, Vice President,, Marketing and Customer Insights
>> Todd Haskell, Vice President Advertising Sales
>> Laura Langdon, Vice President Marketing
>> Ray Pearce, Vice President Circulation

5:00 p.m.
Bus Departure from TimesCenter to Marriott Marquis


7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception
Network with fellow INMA conference attendees at an opening cocktail reception in the Manhattan Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis, located on the 8th floor. It's a great way to meet people before going to dinner or seeing a show.

Tuesday, April 27
Wi-Fi Sponsored by MapCreator BV

7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Networking Lounge and coffee

8:30 a.m.
World Congress Opening
Opening remarks by INMA leaders will set the tone for the 80th Annual World Congress, with its emphasis on advertising, new platforms, audience development, and transformation.
>> Michael Phelps, INMA President, and CEO, Washington Examiner, USA
>> Ravi Dhariwal, INMA Vice President, and CEO/Publishing, The Times of India
>> Juan Señor, Partner, Innovation Media Consulting Group, and Congress Moderator, United Kingdom

Sub-Theme: Transforming Newspapers to Compete In the Digital Landscape

9:00 a.m.
The Future of News, Publishing, and Media: How to Monetize Content In the Next 3 Years
The challenge of how to monetize content in a digitally networked and always-on world is growing more severe by the minute, driven by constant advances in technology, smarter devices and faster connectivity, as well as by drastic changes in consumer behavior, worldwide. Can those analog dollars be converted to a much larger number of digital quarters and dimes? Where will those next-generation revenue streams come from, and how can you fast-track them? Can and should copies be controlled, online, and if not, how do you “compete with free”? How can “selling access to copies” be turned into real money, not just page-views and social media buzz? What is the role of advertising, mobile device makers, the ISPs, telecoms and mobile network operators, and how will publishers position themselves in this new “telemedia” ecosystem?
>> Gerd Leonhard, Media Futurist, Author, and CEO, Media Futures Group, Basel, Switzerland

9:45 a.m.
Driving Commercial Value from Content In the Digital Age
Generating commercial value from content is the central question facing publishers as the internet re-wires consumer and advertiser habits. News Corporation and the Wall Street Journal have been at the center of the establishment of paid content models and have taken an industry leadership role on the commercial value of content. Learn more about their initiatives from the man who has been at the center of strategic initiatives the past two decades.
>> Robert Thomson, Managing Editor, Wall Street Journal, and Editor-in-Chief, Dow Jones, New York, USA

10:30 a.m.
Break: Networking Lounge co-sponsored by:


11:15 a.m.
How to Prepare Now for the New Digital Advertising Landscape
If newspapers want national advertising for their web sites, e-readers, and mobile devices, they must better define their value proposition to readers and advertisers. This presentation will look at what newspapers did correctly and wrongly in the past decade and create a new sales culture for the changes to come.
>> Shawn Riegsecker, CEO, Centro, New York, USA

11:45 a.m.
Panel: How to Leverage Integrated Advertising Sales
In a panel discussion, learn how leading publishers are changing the way they sell digital and print advertising to customers and are finding new ways to integrate processes to find new synergies. Where are the financial synergies, or should we be selling platforms instead?
>> Don Meek, President/National Media Sales for Interactive and Publishing, Tribune Company, Chicago, USA
>> Robert Whitehead, Director, Marketing and Newspaper Sales, Fairfax Media, Sydney, Australia

12:30 p.m.

Sub-Theme: How to Attract and Retain the Best Employees

1:45 p.m.
Time-Out: To Shift a Culture, You Must Focus on the Individual
Your company’s success is greatly impacted by the personalities in the office ... including your own. Addressing personality issues in the workplace is beneficial in the best of times — during a challenging time, it is essential. If you want to attract, empower and retain quality employees, you must create a new precedent; one of total honesty, accountability and integrity. How? In this presentation, we will take a break from trying to figure out what’s happening out there, and look at the role human dynamics can play in creating something new.
>> Beth Weissenberger, CEO, The Handel Group, New York, USA

2:45 p.m.
Break: Networking Lounge sponsored by:


Sub-Theme: How to Create Value Out of Old and New Platforms

3:15 p.m.
Panel: How Advertisers Expect To Reach Fragmenting Consumers Through Mobile, E-Readers
Hear directly from New York-based advertisers and media buyers about where they will be placing their marketing dollars in the year ahead, the flirtation with response-based digital options, and the role of print newspapers and multi-media companies with print at their core.
>> Facilitator: Stuart Elliott, Advertising Columnist, The New York Times
>> Phil Cowdell, Leader, Mindshare N.A., New York
>> David Gill, Senior Director, Mobile Media and Marketing, The Nielsen Company, New York
>> Ian Schafer, CEO, Deep Focus, New York

4:15 p.m.
E-Readers and the iPad: Future of the Platform, Content, Revenue Options
Today it's the iPad. Tomorrow, what? In this presentation from the newspaper industry's earliest advocate for tablets, learn what the future of e-readers are from the perspective of the platform, the content, and the revenue options. Also less than a month after the iPad's release, hear which media companies are pushing the edge in matching content and platform and innovating with consumer revenue models.
>> Roger Fidler, Program Director for Digital Publishing, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, University of Missouri, USA

4:45 p.m.
Selling Print to Readers and Advertisers in the Times of the iPad and Beyond
It is a multi-platform media world. Everyone talks digital And although nobody questions the importance of all things digital, it is a fact that 90% of a publisher's advertising revenue continues to come from print. What is the future of the print newspaper as a reader medium, and what are its unique value propositions to advertisers in an increasingly multi-media world? This presentation introduces you to who your audience is, expands on the importance of storytelling from digital to print, then offers thoughts and solutions for the future of print – because there is one!
>> Mario Garcia, CEO, Garcia Media, Tampa, USA

5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.
Reception: Networking Lounge sponsored by:

Evening free

Wednesday, April 28

Wi-Fi Sponsored by RAM

7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Networking Lounge and coffee

8:30 a.m.
Review of Day 1 and Introductions

Sub-Theme: Success Stories On the Road from Print to Multi-Media

8:45 a.m.
From Music to Newspapers to Magazines: Creating Unique Value from Content
As perhaps the only person in the world who has been CEO of companies known for music, newspapers, and magazines, Scott Flanders has both witnessed and led content companies through the evolution from physical products to multi-media digital products. Learn what he believes is the value of content and brands and how he's applied this knowledge in various companies, and specifically Playboy.
>> Scott Flanders, CEO, Playboy Enterprises, Chicago, USA

9:30 a.m.
New Ways of Viewing Newspapers In a Multi-Media World
The Bonnier Group – with its stable of newspapers, magazines, and mobile operations in 21 countries – is a traditional newsmedia company that operations in non-traditional ways, leveraging its assets across platforms to experiment with new ways to engage audiences and advertisers. Learn how the group fits into the changing multi-media landscape, especially its newspaper properties.
>> Jonas Bonnier, CEO, The Bonnier Group, Stockholm, Sweden

10:15 a.m.
Break: Networking Lounge sponsored by:


Sub-Theme: Creating Value From Content and Audience

11:00 a.m.
Content and the Value of Paid vs. Free
The paid content debate has galvanized the media industry like none other with its sub-plots about the value of information in a world quickly becoming re-wired by digital technology. In this session, learn what leading newspaper publishers are doing with their paid content experiments. Find out about the lessons – good and bad – and how to best apply these lessons at your company. Also find out early data from first-mover paid content experiments.
>> Rafat Ali, Publisher and Editor, paidContent, New York, USA
>> Conan Gallaty, Online Director, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, USA
>> Greg Harmon, Managing Director, Belden Interactive, USA
>> Kinley Levack, Editorial Director,, New York, USA
>> Kurt Lozier, Senior Vice President/Digital Media & Product Management, Dow Jones Local Media Group, Middletown, USA

12:45 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m.
Value of Content to Audience: The Impact of Content on Pricing Strategies Across Platforms
Critics suggest that news content should be free, and that moving from free to paid or increased prices on content packages is an impossibility. Yet application of sophisticated consumer choice models have shown the value of content and its relationship to price, whether in print or online, and has allowed firms to develop better revenue models, create premium content strategies, and launch new products based on these predictive interactions. This presentation will help point toward ways – based on consumer choice – to sharpen print products and develop e-platform revenue models.
>> Jeff Brazell, CEO, and Randy Hill, Vice President, The Modellers, Salt Lake City, USA

2:45 p.m.
Understanding Your Audience to Best Sell to Advertisers: Are analytics the path to the future of newspapers?
Newspapers need to engage with readers to build multiple audiences; using data analytics, publishers can sell the value of print and online audiences to advertisers. By enriching and using audience data, newspapers can identify reader demographics, determine which markets each of its regions serve, find the unique interests and needs of different audiences and leverage this critical information with advertisers. Publishers can create a vehicle for advertisers to reach their audiences; advertisers will be able to match their messages to specific audiences based on this valuable information.
>> Ted Markle, Senior Vice President, Newspaper Group, Transcontinental, Montreal, Canada

3:30 p.m.
Break: Networking Lounge sponsored by:

4:00 p.m.
Newsmedia Outlook: Driving Value Through Content, Platforms, and Audiences
In this exclusive presentation, learn about the strategic direction of the news industry in the next three years as they transition from newspapers to newsmedia companies and fuse content, platforms, and audiences to generate new revenue and create new value for shareholders and customers.
>> Earl J. Wilkinson, Executive Director and CEO, INMA

4:45 p.m.
Closing Remarks

5:00 p.m.
Congress Programme Concludes

7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Awards Dinner
The 80th Annual INMA World Congress will conclude with a gala dinner honouring the best marketers and the best marketing campaigns in the newspaper industry from the past year. Settle into an evening of music, entertainment, networking – and awards. The 2010 Silver Shovel Award will be presented, honouring an individual for their contributions to the newspaper industry and to INMA. And the formal unveiling of winners in the INMA Awards 2010 competition – the pinnacle of success in newspaper marketing – will be made throughout the evening. Get ready for an evening of glamour and glitz!
>> Kylie Davis, Chief of Staff, Sun-Herald, Australia, and Emcee of INMA Awards 2010
>> Ross McPherson, Executive Chairman, McPherson Media Group, Australia, and 2010 Recipient of Silver Shovel Award

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