Theme: “How to Make Money By Shifting to Multi-Media Sales and Content”
We live in profound, exponential times.
Audiences fragment, advertisers chase the fragments, and newspapers reinvent themselves as newsmedia companies to pursue and manage the fragments. Then technology twists fragments ever faster, and we start again.
Why INMA World Congress is different
Tired of the same old programmes, faces, and themes? Try the INMA World Congress in New York 2010:
Cutting-edge programme
Focus on newsmedia, not newspaper
Intense market focus
Revenue, revenue, revenue
Global mix of delegates
Focused on new models, not old
Fresh approach to programming
New peers to discover
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How to organise, manage, market, and lead the multi-media news brand is the No. 1 topic at newsmedia companies worldwide in the year ahead. And it is the focus of the
80th Annual INMA World Congess April 26-28, 2010, at the Marriott Marquis in New York.
Returning to the world's advertising capital under the theme “How to Make Money By Shifting to Multi-Media Sales and Content,” the New York World Congress will confront:
- How to transform newspapers to compete in the digital landscape.
- How to create value out of old and new platforms.
- Success stories on the road from print to multi-media.
- How to create new value from content and audiences.
And we will introduce you to a new concept in programming – “brainsnacks” – to provide delegates with a broad range of relevant, timely topics from industry leaders.
The INMA World Congress is the association's premier event: a global conference programme for a global audience. The conference is designed for senior newsmedia company executives charged with growing audience, revenue, and brand across the enterprise.
Register now for this timely, value-laden conference. Take home ideas to apply immediately and concepts to guide your company in the years ahead.