INMA Transformation of News Summit

INMA Transformation of News Summit

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Extracting New Value from Content
Thursday, December 2

Overview: The “Extracting New Value from Content” seminar opens the INMA Transformation of News Summit by identifying and benchmarking new content models that generate new revenue from consumers. The seminar will look at the latest developments in content, paid models, and extracting more consumer revenue.

Takeaways: Unique insights and results from news company innovators, experimenters, and first-movers on generating new consumer revenues from content across platforms.

Schedule: The schedule is as follows (updated September 15, subject to change):

8:30 a.m.
Overview and Welcome
Be welcomed to the INMA Transformation of News Summit and the “Extracting New Value from Content” seminar by INMA volunteers leaders.
>> Michael Phelps, President, INMA
>> Kathleen Coleman, President, INMA North America Division
>> Sandy MacLeod, Vice President, INMA North America Division, and Program Chairman

8:45 a.m.
Channeling Change: There's Never Been a Better Time
The disruption of the Digital Age is beginning to bring out the best in newsmedia companies, pivoting toward understanding the emerging value propositions of different kinds of content to different kinds of audiences. Instead of fighting change, newsmedia executives should embrace the new news ecologies and the business models that come with them.
>> John Paton, Chief Executive Officer, Journal Register Company, Co-founder of impreMedia, a Director of Postmedia Network

9:45 a.m.
Innovations and Experiments: “Hitting the Brick Wall,” Surviving Dramatic Home Delivery Cutbacks
It's no secret that the "value of content" for many newspapers is uneven depending of the day of the week. Early in 2009, the management group at the Detroit Free Press faced what many other newspapers also confronted: a freefall in advertising revenues. Upon review of the revenue distribution over the week, the 80-20 rule showed up: only two out of six days accounted for 77% of the revenues. What followed was a bold move: cut home delivery of the least performing days. Hear how their CEO stirred the dramatic shift to a sustainable yet transformed business model.
>> Susie Ellwood, Chief Executive Officer, Detroit Media Partnership/Detroit Free Press/The Detroit News

10:15 a.m.

10:45 a.m.
The Cutting Edge of Content Models
The inside word on what's coming next with content and business models for newsmedia companies often begins with David Carr, the Media Equation columnist with The New York Times. In an interview and group discussion moderated by former Silicon Alley Insider Managing Editor and current Senior Editor of All Things Digital Peter Kafka, David will outline the next frontier for media companies looking to extract value from news and content.
>> David Carr, Columnist, Monday Business Section, The New York Times
>> Peter Kafka, Senior Editor, All Things Digital, New York

11:30 a.m.
Innovations and Experiments: Finding Revenue and Readers in the Health Care Vertical
In the newsroom, much of the information from a 2010 Health Care Study finds a readership through a niche health care site that also includes staff generated stories, contributed expert advice and commentary from multiple health-care partners and aggregation by health care topic from across the Web. The goal is to become a single source for highly trusted health care information in our region, which is Maine.
>> Todd Benoit, Director of News and New Media, Bangor Daily News
>> Edward J. Efchak, President, Customers by Design, Fair Lawn, New Jersey

12:00 noon

1:15 p.m.
Paid Content Models: What's Working and What's Not Working
Putting a price tag on content - ranging from pay-per-view to subscription to metered models to premiums for preferred audiences - has swept the globe in 2010. In this panel of media executives, learn the challenges facing publishers, the pros and cons, the impact on the consumer, the speed to market in implementing options, and whether strategies vary on content format such as e-reader versus non-replica electronic and browser versus paid app.
>> Moderator: Lynne Brennen, Senior Vice President of Circulation, The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones & Co., Princeton, New Jersey
>> Klas Uden, Vice President, Circulation Marketing, Dow Jones & Co., Inc., Princeton, New Jersey
>> Steven Brill, Co-Founder, Journalism Online, New York
>> Andrée Gosselin O'Meara, Director, Business Development, The Globe and Mail, Toronto
>> Mark Medici, Director of Acquisition, Retention and Circulation, The Dallas Morning News

2:30 p.m.
Innovations and Experiments: Cross-platform Subscription Pricing
A subscription once meant pretty much one thing: home delivery of a print newspaper. As platforms proliferate and product offerings spring up on emerging channels, we face a whole new set of opportunities and questions. How strong is the potential for gaining incremental consumer revenue from subscription fees for additional services (a web site, an iPad or Android app, etc.)? Or, is there more value in the chance to broaden and solidify a relationship with a subscriber as we transition from a print-centric view of the world?
>> Tom Cole, Executive Director, Market Development, Boston Globe Media

3:00 p.m.

3:30 p.m.
Extracting More Reader Revenue From Print
In a panel discussion, learn from pricing/modeling experts and newspaper executives about the issue of growing print subscription revenues. Subjects include loyalty, value, pricing, production investment, and opt-in formats from newspapers in the United States and Canada.
>> Moderator: John Newby, Publisher, The Times, Ottawa, Illinois
>> Greg Hatch, Sales Channel and Retention Manager, The San Diego Union-Tribune
>> Brian Howell, Director, Audience Development and Strategy, The Columbus Dispatch
>> Andrew Kendall, Consumer Marketing Director, Finance, IT and Customer Service, The Toronto Star
>> Matt Lindsay, Managing Director, Mather Economics LLC, Roswell

4:30 p.m.
Innovations and Experiments: Value of Content
To conclude the seminar, INMA presents big stories on experiments, alternative story-telling formats, and in-app e-commerce that bypasses iTunes control over revenue splits.
>> Maribel Perez Wadsworth, Digital News Executive, Gannett Co., Inc., McLean

5:00 p.m.
Concluding Remarks
>> Earl J. Wilkinson, Executive Director and CEO, INMA

5:15 p.m.
Seminar Concludes

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Reception: Harvard Faculty Club
Welcome from Bob Giles, Curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard University
>> Dress code: business smart

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