INMA product teams have 5 tips for choosing roadmapping tools
Product & Tech Initiative Blog | 17 March 2021
As we dive into prioritising the product roadmap, we’ve been carrying out an informal survey of tools teams are using. Often these aren’t prescribed company-wide, leaving teams to decide what works best for them.
Here are some things to look for when choosing the best tool for roadmapping at your company:
Easy of use: An obvious one but necessary when multiple people, and multiple types of people, to spend time inputting to something.
Flexibility: As well as being easy to use, the tool will need to give different users flexibility. Think of the difference between an executive overview looking at the holistic roadmap and a project manager focusing on details on a specific project.
Visualisation: This is an important aspect when you want to be able to use the same tool for different reasons.
Compatibility: How easily does this fit into your existing suite?
Cost: Many of the tools are seat-based. Given that you’re likely to want transparency within an organisation, this can be at odds. But before you write off a tool based on seats, check to see if there is a free “read only” access that may give you what you need.
And these are some of the tools that have been mentioned by INMA members:

Do you use a different tool we should know about? Let us know! E-mail me at
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