Localised messaging elevates brands from mainstream advertising
Mobile Strategies | 09 April 2019
Localised targeting has been a huge strength in mobile since its mainstream adoption in advertising. Being able to pinpoint an audience in a moment or analyse location behaviour to determine targeting is powerful for brands.
Relevant creative messaging in the advertising space is also an incredibly important aspect to digital and mobile advertising. Utilising the data an advertiser or publisher has on a consumer can feed creative messaging and help it stand out to an audience.
Combining the two, local data or information alongside creative messaging, makes for a prominent campaign — especially if it can be scaled across all media channels with a consistent message.
Some recent examples of localised brand messaging executed across multimedia campaigns show the extent to which location can deliver relevance and drive results:
- Spotify: “There’s a playlist for that” (India).
- Carling: “Made local” (United Kingdom).
- HSBC: “We are not an island” (United Kingdom).
It’s important to consider where the boundaries lie, not only from a compliance point of view but also from a consumer perception perspective. Just because you can collect data on a consumer’s location to a granular level doesn’t necessarily mean he would be receptive to it being called out in an advertising message. Indeed, at its worst, some people may find it creepy!
It’s a fine line, but — when trodden carefully — powerful message delivery can have powerful results, especially when a brand has a relevant connection to a location.