These 3 advertising revenue generators offer opportunity in 2023
Innovative Advertising Solutions Blog | 28 December 2022
It’s once again the end of year. And, as with every year, it arrived earlier than anticipated.
It’s time to strategise, plan, and implement the first ideas to generate more advertising in revenue from day one of 2023 — and to see a revenue effect as early as the first quarter.

Larger advertising customers with print inserts
The challenge is that clients are booking less frequently or only parts of the full circulation due to high paper prices. It’s your job to keep their full budget with the publisher.

One solution is to accept the partial booking in print (as your margins there are now lower anyway) but extend their full budget (and more) into digital by offering to serve their ad in digital.
There is no overhead for them. Turn their print insert into several product carousel ads for all IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) formats in digital plus a landing page that shows their insert as a flip page catalogue that also includes additional calls-to-action.
Above average click-through rates and 98% of users on the landing page using the flip pages prove the relevance of regional advertising to the reader.
Small but loyal print advertisers
There are more print-only advertisers with the small longtail classified advertisers than thought. Businesses advertising with the newspaper for decades trust in its performance, but never booked a digital campaign due to complexity, a missing banner or landing page, a lack of trust, or other reasons.

That said, lots of sales reps never offered digital there as the sales effort for a campaign of less than US$100 is much too high.
In 2023, give this another try with a fully automated bundle that gives advertisers an easy model to book (with just one option to choose from, e.g. 5,000 regional ad impressions for US$99) and the full service of a banner and landing page directly from the print ad.

Upselling rates of 75% and higher can happen when the smallest advertisers suddenly have meaningful campaigns in their budget. These then become a yes/no decision instead of complex digital offers that were just downsized from large national campaigns by educated customers.

Medium-sized regional advertisers
Upsell each and every digital campaign into an “audience extension” of the same campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. This is no effort for you or the advertiser as various tools can “translate” the display ad campaign into a multi-channel campaign on these platforms to capture the full regional target group the regional advertiser is aiming for.
Margins are a little bit lower than running it on your own site alone. However, it is probably one of the best “budget win back” strategies for 2023. All relevant regional accounts have tried “social media pay-per-click” on their own or with agencies and quickly realised how hard it is to make it work.
Offering an easy solution based on an existing campaign and landing page from you solves lots of issues for the advertiser. It also positions you as a problem solver and lets the advertiser shift existing budget from social media to you.