Integrating lead generation into shoppable holiday ads offers opportunity for publishers
Innovative Advertising Solutions Blog | 31 October 2022
If you want a robust innovative ad strategy for your busy Q4 season, why not go where marketers are prioritising their media budgets?
According to Hubspot, the top priority for marketers is lead generation because it is a direct path to generating revenue.
The environment is a changing marketplace for targeting users via methods like third-party cookies and a growing need to build a better consumer base. Against this backdrop, one of the key strategies is lead generation to build an audience. According to BrightTALK, more than 50% of marketers will spend more than 50% of their media budget on lead generation.
This trend should be top of mind: Digital lead generation ad spending is predicted to reach US$3.15 billion in 2022 and is expected to increase slightly by the end of 2023, reaching US$3.24 billion. There is a good reason for marketers to move toward spending more on lead generation.
However, lead generation isn’t as easy as it once was. According to a report from Hubspot, 61% of marketers state generating traffic and leads is their biggest challenge. Content marketing is one of the key drivers for lead gen, but it can also be time consuming, costly, and requires a strong writing team and strategy.
Developing content marketing strategies or advertisers is definitely a recommended approach and process for local publishers. Most firms or marketers will outsource the process to third parties. I highlighted some of those possibilities in a recent blog post.
From e-mail campaigns to form-based solutions on publisher properties, many advertisers are moving budgets to social media like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for lead gen. Given LinkedIn’s network of more than 400 million members in more than 200 countries, it is easy to see why. It is a trusted platform for professionals.
According to a recent survey, 80% of leads came through LinkedIn, making it a platform that can’t be ignored. So, how can lead gen be leveraged with innovative advertising?
Adding lead generation, data capture into ads
The Q4 holiday season will kickstart many year-end campaigns: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and even Boxing Day. Many companies are offering deals to build relationships with consumers. This is why we feel adding lead gen to display creatives is an innovative advertising solution.
Why not offer your clients and advertisers an opportunity to build large lead lists and reduce one step in the process? Instead of having users click to go to a Web site and then fill in a form, take one step out of the process to efficiently increase your list. Why not offer an alternative when marketers are going to move money to LinkedIn or other channels to leverage direct sales teams with lead gen-based ads?
Shoppable ads with lead gen
This is an example from ResponsiveAds. It combines a shoppable ad and lead gen in the same unit. In this case, we have the lead gen e-mail sign-up in the actual carousel instead of the body of the ad, and it proved to be very efficient.
This beautiful high-impact, edge-to-edge, full-bleed lead gen ad holds up to five input fields in a carousel slide or the main panel.
It also has lots of advantages over other options. It is responsive as one ad for mobile, tablet, and desktop and allows for dynamic insertion of shoppable products (either by feed or linking to Googe Sheets). It is customisable for sales teams and functions with Salesforce or a customised customer relationship management (CRM) form. It can be localised with more than 150 languages and has been shown to reduce the cost per lead by 30%.