Zero Hora engages food lovers with re-packaged brand

By Tatiana Tavares


Porto Alegre e Região, Brazil


In the current economic scenario in Brazil, finding new ways to monetise a media outlet is not an easy task. It was this challenge that inspired Zero Hora to invest in multi-platform content, not just digital and print. 

After extensive market research, gastronomy was elected as one of the niches in which Zero Hora newspaper would invest to create a unique platform. The pre-existing digital brand, Destemperados was upgraded to its definitive and multi-platform version, the new and iconic Casa Destemparados.

The upgraded Casa Destemperados creates a unique avenue for monetising content.
The upgraded Casa Destemperados creates a unique avenue for monetising content.

Located in one of the nicest neighbourhoods in Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazil, Casa Destemperados expanded its coverage through the Destemperados site, social media, and other platforms, such as YouTube videos and so much more.

Zero Hora's niche site engages readers who want to take part in new culinary experiences.
Zero Hora's niche site engages readers who want to take part in new culinary experiences.

The project is led by the Grupo RBS and the founding partners of Destemperados, Diego Fabris, Diogo Carvalho, and Lela Zaniol. The site allows visitors to experience food in different ways; it is a place for people who love eating and drinking as well as a forum for innovative culinary experiments.

At the same time, the platform exposes trademarks, increases visibility, and heightens audience interaction, which fulfills the new Grupo RBS business model and vision.

The site promotes not only food-related content, but also food-related events and activities.
The site promotes not only food-related content, but also food-related events and activities.

National and regional brands have been placed in one or more spaces at Casa Destemperados, such as Piá, Uniagro, Granitos, Nescafe, Bohemia, Claro/Net, Isla Sementes, Pavioli,  Fruki, Água da Pedra, Porto a Porto and Gran Formaggio/RAR, and Ibravin.

National and regional brands are featured on the site.
National and regional brands are featured on the site.

In addition to branded content, the site presents activities such as dinners, food talks, food trucks, food fairs, debates, product displays. A team of 15 people works in the business, divided into three pillars: content, sales and events.

Casa Destemperados bases its philosophy on the following tenets:

  1. We share gastronomical experiences that inspire us.

  2. We are consumers, not experts.

  3. The food is only part of the experience. Atmosphere, service, and the finer details are also very important.

  4. We respect and appreciate your opinion so that we continue to evolve.

  5. We are flexible; we love exploring different styles of dining experiences, from the simple to the sophisticated.

  6. Feel at home and discover new ways of living this space.

  7. We believe in collaboration. If you have a cool idea, share it with us.

  8. We value the truth and transparency of all that is offered here.

  9. Experiences and the contents of “the House” are in a constant process of evolution.

  10. We are passionate about eating and drinking well. After partnering with Grupo RBS, the challenge of creating new business opportunities to expand revenue with the content platforms arose.

Casa Destemperados is meeting the challenge of creating new business opportunities, increasing sales, expanding revenue, and retaining clients by creating a gathering place for people who like to eat and drink well. 

About Tatiana Tavares

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