Gazeta do Povo rethinks its position as driver of local change

To have a more active participation in society, to encourage attitude and engagement — those were the basic components of the campaign Gazeta do Povo’s “Rethink” campaign.

In an attempt to encourage the involvement of society, the campaign was focused in 2012 on politics. We are the newspaper that is “By your side all the time,” a motto we’ve used since 2010. We are a part of everyday life as we encourage each reader to reflect and shift to a new attitude.

This is not just a matter of a simple advertising campaign anymore. Gazeta do Povo must transmit the values ??that the brand carries.

We decided to act. We took the role of being a tool of engagement and transformation for society. We decided to invest in working alongside people and rethinking the world we want to build.

The first steps we took focused on the question of involvement in and understanding of politics. We developed themes for advertising campaigns that encouraged awareness about voting and asked readers to rethink what our involvement in this process of change is.

Then we made tools available that allow both an analysis of all candidates for public office, and the organisation of street actions to encourage youngsters to participate and to make their voices heard.

Some of our actions included:

  1. Gaz+ Life in the University (youth channel): Involvement in planning actions, integration of articles with “Rethink” branding seal, content about the actions of the youth, and a tight integration via social networks.

  2. Station Youth: Through a customised Kombi (van), we meet young people who are raising questions, who have aspirations about their own future and the city’s fate. Inside the Kombi, the youth are able to record their statements, which later became part of a television commercial.

  3. Rethink Generation: To discuss all the points raised by the youth in the project “Young Station,” we organised an event where we could meet street artists, local bands, and young activists. The event, which took place in a historic city, was attended by more than 2,000 young people.

  4. Candibook (a Web site of candidates): This is a channel that works with mechanics similar to Facebook, except it features candidates running for office, including video interviews and background on the candidates.

  5. Population demands: We created a channel mapping the problems within the major regions of the biggest cities in Paraná (one of Brazil’s 26 states), created entirely with the population’s participation. We customiSed the campaign for each neighbourhood, going to public schools and interacting with more than 3,000 teachers.

We have relied on this strategic direction to guide our communication and the sequence of actions that turns the reader into the protagonist of change, where he or she receives information on our different platforms, transforming them from their context.

This is possible only by creating a network of intentions, where we do not have a division between the intention of editorial and that of marketing, but, rather, a fusion that makes the message stronger and more legitimate.

About Axeu Aislan Beluca

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