Gazeta do Povo inspires locals with citizen-action campaign
Ideas Blog | 04 October 2013
Started in May of this year, before the protest that took over the country, Gazeta do Povo’s “Citizen Politics” campaign aims to inspire people to take action as citizens, embracing an active attitude toward building a better society for everyone.
During the campaign, the newspaper organised a series of news, debates, and interviews about important themes such as urban mobility, security and revitalisation in public spaces. In addition, it promoted a “Protagonist Award” to highlight new initiatives and inspire new leading figures of change.
The communication strategy involved all newspaper platforms, integrated with social media. In the first phase of the campaign, we saw an increase of 43% in fans of the Gazeta do Povo fanpage and more than 18,000 shares of the pieces developed specially for the newspaper’s Facebook page.
Now, Gazeta do Povo presents the second phase of the project, named “Little Box of Attitudes.” Developed by the advertising office TheGetz, the project counts on the participation José Oliva, author of “Little Box of Attitude” and an advertising academic by training, who will present his own “Little Box of Attitude” project.
In his film, Oliva explains the creative process involving the production of the “Little Box of Attitude” and invites common people to use their talents in ways that will make the difference in the lives of other citizens.
Six people received the “Little Box of Attitudes” to perform their missions as described in it. For example, one famous band received the mission to play music for the elderly in a nursing home, bringing joy to all involved.
The idea is to provoke, document, and show the citizen actions, which become Web episodes to help stimulate people to take action and create a chain of goodness.
The idea is to impact people, causing them to think, take action, and engage, putting into practice things that can improve not only their lives, but also the lives of everyone in the community.
We take seriously the role of being a tool of engagement and transformation in our society.