Gazeta do Povo improves image, social media presence with political involvement campaign
Ideas Blog | 17 August 2014
Politics is not a monster or exclusively the domain of dishonest people. It’s an activity that everyday citizens can participate in on a daily basis. To do so, you just have to know the operation of public offices and understand the existent tools that allow you to take political action in society.
With this spirit, Gazeta do Povo has launched its “Política Cidada” (“Citizen Politics”) campaign.
The main goal of the campaign is to turn citizens into main characters of politics. Gazeta do Povo showed stories of people who act politically without even realising it.
The campaign also presented news pieces that show how public institutions work, and that explain how every citizen can contribute and monitor the government (without debating partisan politics).
With this campaign, Gazeta do Povo aimed to create a wide communication platform focusing on people, informing them and seeking to inspire actions with a transforming power and the feeling of building solutions together.
The format used went beyond a simple marketing campaign, marketing the efforts of editorial and other cross-media formats with other communication vehicles and partners.
To turn politics into something everybody is responsible for puts citizens squarely in the main role of their own history. The initiative culminated in one of the most complex campaigns developed by Gazeta do Povo.
The goal was to gather marketing, newsroom, and society within the Política Cidadã concept. All stages and developments had the endorsement “Política Cidadã. Assuma seu poder” (“Citizen Politics. Take your power”). The effort also depended on recruiting numerous partners and organisations that helped to promote the concept in their networks.
The results were the following:
- First initiative that fully involved the newsroom and marketing department.
- Unexpected offshoots in many digital channels, multiplying the initiative’s concept.
- Gazeta do Povo’s profile on Facebook, from May through December 2013, registered a growth in number of fans of more than 130%.
- More than 25,000 shares on Facebook regarding Política Cidadã campaign.
- More than 30 external partners helped to promote and share the proposition of Política Cidadã campaign, widening the reach and visibility of Gazeta do Povo brand.
- In a survey on “Evaluation of Value and Image Attributes of Gazeta do Povo,” in which the perception of population was measured regarding the value and the image in 2013, the item “contributes to development” hit 86% of approval with the respondents.
Gazeta do Povo believes that politics and education are the two pillars that contribute to the conscious transformation and formation. We want to promote engagement from popular role and dialogue, turning Gazeta do Povo into an emulator of good actions. We bet that a new generation will rise through these models that will be replicated.