Correio24horas campaign celebrates summer season with weekend events
Ideas Blog | 12 August 2015

One of the decisive reasons for the Correio24horas’ position as a leader in sales and audience in Bahia, and as the 17th most popular newspaper in Brazil, is its strong presence in the daily life of the population. The news media company has the unique ability to consistently promote good experiences.
One example of engaging people and encouraging their involvement with the newspaper is the Correio Summer Project, a live marketing activity during the hottest and most colourful season of the year in the state capital.
It also served as a platform for dialogue from other brands that participated in the project as sponsors.
Barra is the most traditional neighbourhood in Salvador, which is the capital of the state of Bahia. In 2015, the area around the Barra Lighthouse was renovated by the city government, leaving Bahians and tourists enchanted with the new, more modern, and attractive structure.
To celebrate the turning of a new page in the region’s history, Correio created the Summer Project and provided a great experience in the new Barra, offering the free opportunity to participate in the most-practiced summer sports: stand-up paddle, slackline, roller skating, and longboarding.
Summer Project was held on Saturdays throughout the entire month of January, providing instructors and equipment so the public could practice these sports safely and at no cost. Amidst many smiles and a few falls, the results were excellent. In total, nearly 3,000 people participated in the four sports, using various structures set up throughout the neighbourhood.
The project won over the social networks and had enormous positive repercussions. It was featured in media, such as TV, newspapers, Internet, and radio.
In addition, on Fridays of the same month, readers who posted with the hashtag #veraocorreio (#correiosummer) could appear on the cover of the newspaper – an unprecedented opportunity. And to help people plan their summer agendas, the Correio 24 Hours portal published a channel and special guides with content that was geared towards the best season of the year.