Tamedia’s Robin Tanner thrives on the industry’s changes and challenges

By Paula Felps


Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Editor’s note: In an ongoing series, INMA is profiling our most engaged members — our super fans. We hope this gives members a chance to learn more about each other. Today we profile Robin Tanner, head of print and B2B for Tamedia in Switzerland.

As most of us will agree, rapid change seems to be the one constant challenge in the media industry. Successful companies know how to embrace and work with this change. Robin Tanner, head of print and B2B for Switzerland-based Tamedia, said one thing he’s most proud of is how Tamedia has always approached change in the news media industry actively and with foresight.

“Our industry has always been in a state of flux. It is precisely this exciting, varied, and challenging environment that has kept me in news media for almost 30 years now,” he said.

INMA recently caught up with Tanner to learn more about him.

As head of print and B2B for Tamedia in Switzerland, Robin Tanner believes it's important to have the courage to think in new ways despite decades of tradition in the industry.
As head of print and B2B for Tamedia in Switzerland, Robin Tanner believes it's important to have the courage to think in new ways despite decades of tradition in the industry.

INMA: What big lesson have you learned over the past couple of years?

Tanner: The pandemic has reinforced the fact that there is less and less planning certainty. We have to be even more attentive and flexible and change our plans if necessary.

INMA: If you had your career to do over again, what would you want to know in the beginning?

Tanner: Actually, I really like the constant change in our industry. Certainly, more experience and coolness would have saved me some sleepless nights in the beginning.

INMA: What makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?

Tanner: That a varied day with great colleagues awaits me.

INMA: What is the craziest job or project you’ve ever done in media — and what did you learn from it?

Tanner: In the early 2000s, I launched various advertising combinations. For a short time, there was even one for funeral announcements. After that, we always discussed new offers with customers first!

INMA: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your career

Tanner: Have the courage to think in new ways despite decades of tradition in our industry.

INMA: What do you do to relax?

Tanner: Lots of sports, time with the family, and riding motorcycles.

INMA: If you hadn’t gone into news media, what was your backup plan?

Tanner: I have been into news media since I was 19. At that time, I could choose from two job offers. I think my choice was not so bad. Whether it would be equally exciting in the dairy industry, I doubt. ;-)

INMA: What is your favourite thing to read?

Tanner: Our local newspaper “Der Landbote” (from our company) — mainly digital, on Saturdays also gladly the print edition.

INMA: What do you find the most challenging/interesting about the news media industry right now.

Tanner: Of course, everything around the digitization of our products, offers, ways of working, and finding and developing new sources of revenue. 

About Paula Felps

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