Stuff’s Albi Pecora believes building trust is job No. 1 for journalism
Editor's Inbox | 17 January 2023
Editor’s note: In an ongoing series, INMA is profiling our most engaged members — our super fans — to give members a chance to learn more about each other. Today we profile Albi Pecora, head of digital revenue products for Stuff Limited in Auckland, New Zealand.
In a world where news is consumed at a voracious pace, Albi Pecora said news companies must work to build trust with their audiences.
“I think trust is key to maintaining the depth of good journalism,” said the head of digital revenue products for Stuff Limited in Auckland, New Zealand.
The last two years have taught the industry many things, including the need to embrace new technology, let go of the old models, and be open to new ways of working.
“Change is constant, so we all need to remain flexible and agile,” he said, adding that the road ahead promises to be filled with learning and adventure: “I am excited for all the new digital developments and frontiers. Some may fail and some will prevail, but it will definitely be a super exciting time ahead.”
INMA recently caught up with Pecora to learn more about what’s on his mind.
INMA: If you had your career to do over again, what would you want to know in the beginning?
Pecora: Not much. I had great experiences in different industries, learned lots, and enjoyed the ride. Perhaps one piece of advice that would have helped would have been, “It’s not going to be easy but take the learning out of every experience!”
INMA: What makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?
Pecora: The thought that in a digital world, where pretty much anything is possible, you can move things and be part of something big and exciting.
INMA: What is the craziest job or project you’ve ever done in media — and what did you learn from it?
Pecora: So far, it has definitely been an exciting ride in media, but nothing that I would call “crazy.” I have been part of some projects which may have sounded crazy at first, but we always got it done, and looking back it wasn’t actually that crazy at all. But all of these projects definitely taught me to think outside the box.
INMA: What success within your company are you most proud of right now?
Pecora: I am proud of what we have achieved in the programmatic advertising space at Stuff. I am proud of the relationship I have with my team and the fact that we keep pushing boundaries in our field of digital advertising. Plus, being a member of an organisation that is determined to make New Zealand a better place is something to be proud of as well.
INMA: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your career?
Pecora: Taking things pragmatically, start somewhere; there is always more to learn along the way.
INMA: What do you do to relax?
Pecora: Spend time with family and offline “work” around the house.
INMA: If you hadn’t gone into news media, what was your backup plan?
Pecora: Considering I have worked in different industries in Switzerland and New Zealand, I would say that every industry has interesting developments and exciting projects. But back in the day, my backup plan ranged from running a hostel with my wife in Central America to becoming a dive instructor in Southeast Asia or learning the “pizzaiolo” trade in Italy.
INMA: What is your favourite thing to read?
Pecora: I really enjoy reading autobiographies of rock legends and other influential personalities.