INMA 30 Under 30: Jakob Halm of Der Spiegel
Editor's Inbox | 01 February 2024
In September 2023, INMA awarded 30 young professionals around the world with its fourth “30 Under 30” award as part of its Young Professionals Initiative. This is the 23rd in a series of 30 features about the impressive rising media stars who are shaping our industry.
Since joining the Der Spiegel team in 2021, Jakob Halm has made a big impact on the company. Working with the data and research team as well as the cross-functional funnel team, Jakob is responsible for managing tests and helping Der Speigel become more data-informed.
Among his accomplishments have been developing new annual pricing for and, validating and improving the company’s price increase strategy, and developing measures for its propensity score.
But what really sets him apart is his ability to talk with editorial colleagues and help them understand how to develop better hypotheses that will lead to building better products. This has led to building better products and helping other departments understand user needs.
In addition to winning over hard-to-convince journalists, Jakob has made Der Spiegel more data-informed and test-driven. He is part of the company’s Junior Program, which helps young professionals move forward within the organisation, and continues to impress his colleagues with his knowledge and eagerness for continued growth.