Gabby Nunes of NZME realises the need to stay a few steps ahead with technology

By Paula Felps


Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Editor’s note: In an ongoing series, INMA is profiling our most engaged members — our super fans — to give members a chance to learn more about each other. Today we profile Gabby Nunes, digital subscriber marketing manager for NZME Media in Auckland, New Zealand. 

As we all know, times and technology are rapidly changing. Gabby Nunes, digital subscriber marketing manager for NZME Media in Auckland, New Zealand, is wrapping her head around the fact that many years ago she worked for a magazine that taught people how to use the Internet and guided people to navigate the “Worldwide Web.”

“It was before Google, and it didn’t seem crazy at that time, but looking back, it feels odd that once upon a time we were at that point,” Nunes said. “I’ve learned that vanguard projects of today can be outdated faster than we can even figure out. That’s why we have to be always a few steps ahead of our time.”

INMA recently caught up with her to learn more about what she’s been doing.

As digital subscriber marketing manager for NZME Media in Auckland, New Zealand, Gabby Nunes has learned to expect the unexpected.
As digital subscriber marketing manager for NZME Media in Auckland, New Zealand, Gabby Nunes has learned to expect the unexpected.

 INMA: What big lesson have you learned over the past couple of years that helped shape your plans for 2022?

Nunes: Test. Test. Test. Implement, learn, and then improve. We have to get insights from our customers and other publishers and be fast enough to test and implement the successful learnings as soon as we have the results.

It also requires that you keep monitoring the performance to rapidly adapt to any new trends or changes of course that might emerge. I’ve also learned to expect the unexpected thanks to COVID-19 and some of the latest happenings around the world.

INMA: If you had your career to do over again, what would you want to know in the beginning? 

Nunes: You can get what you want, but you will only get what you ask for. I’ve learned that we can achieve our goals if we work to make them happen by focusing on them and building our path. But many times, I lost great opportunities simply because I kept my personal goals to myself and didn’t share them. Sometimes great opportunities come your way when you speak up.

INMA: What makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?

Nunes: I am always curious and willing to know what’s coming next, so getting out of bed and facing the day is a good start to advance to the future. 

INMA: What is the craziest job or project you’ve ever done in media — and what did you learn from it?

Nunes: This is hard to pick only one as I have launched and closed magazines (they require a lot of work), have launched new publications, collections, platforms, apps, projects, products, courses, and events, and have survived several business restructures. 

INMA: What success within your company are you most proud of right now? 

Nunes: I started at NZME in 2019, and my role has been to drive acquisition for The New Zealand Herald’s digital subscriptions as we launched to the market in 2019. Since then, we have reached important milestones with very positive and consistent growth of the digital subscriptions business. I am proud to be part of this success story. 

INMA: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your career?

Nunes: When I started working in the media sector in Brazil, we had a big transformation with the Internet entering people’s lives and changing everything in the world. It required a lot of adaptability to changing situations, which taught me to be more flexible and open-minded. These were valuable lessons. 

INMA: What do you do to relax? 

Nunes: I enjoy spending some time with my family and, if the weather allows, going to the beach for a hike, snorkelling, or sailing. If the weather is not ideal, I love to have a good chat while cooking. 

INMA: If you hadn’t gone into news media, what was your backup plan? 

Nunes: I wanted to be a movie maker but didn’t know what to do, so I ended up with a social communication bachelors degree, which lead me to marketing. Despite that, I still have this desire of becoming a writer, which I hope to fulfil when my kids grow older. 

INMA: What is your favourite thing to read? 

Nunes: I love reading short stories about everyday life and, of course, news.  

INMA: What do you find the most challenging/interesting about the news media industry right now?

Nunes: I find it very challenging to reach the younger generations. They have a very different mindset and a unique way of consuming news and media, mostly videos from social and often unverified sources.

About Paula Felps

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