Tagging, call to action are key to successful LinkedIn newsletters
Content Strategies Blog | 10 October 2022
LinkedIn released a newsletter feature not long ago. This is a great opportunity to grow a new and younger audience.
While LinkedIn might have held a reputation for being for older, established professionals when it launched, the platform has risen to be one of the most prominent for professionals in all stages of their careers. Plus, since it is mainly a professional space, the usual social trolling is minimal compared to other platforms.
It’s nearly impossible to find someone who isn’t using LinkedIn to promote themselves and/or their company. Publishers should treat LinkedIn as a separate but equally important (if not more so) platform for content. Specifically, people-focused content. Who in your community is doing important work that you can highlight? LinkedIn has proven to convert readers at a higher rate than Facebook or Twitter.

The audience is also skewing younger as people just getting started or early in their careers have discovered LinkedIn is a great place to find jobs and get recruited.
The newsletter feature works a little differently than a post and is worth exploring. Buffalo Business First, Boston Business Journal, and Denver Business Journal are a few great examples.
If you’re just getting started in this space, here are five tips to keep in mind to create a successful LinkedIn newsletter
1. Subject lines matter
Your subject line should feature someone you can tag. When thinking through LinkedIn newsletter content, concentrate on people and companies you can tag. If you can get a few names in the subject line or headline, that’s even better. The more you can tag, the more likely those tagged are likely to share and comment on your post.
2. Think carefully about photos
Pick a photo with a face in it. If at all possible, find a nice photo of someone who is in your newsletter to feature in the top spot. Data shows that faces perform better when people are scrolling through their feeds.
3. Avoid over-posting
These newsletters are still being promoted by LinkedIn, so they not only alert your followers in their feeds when you publish, but they trigger an e-mail as well (unless they have that alert turned off, of course). This means you have to be careful not to post too often. When people see your newsletter in their inbox each day, they might be more inclined to unsubscribe or skip it.
Build a habit by respecting their time and inboxes. Once a week is plenty.
4. Use it like a weekly roundup
What are the top stories you can point to? Keep in mind the audience on LinkedIn. Think tips and tricks for professionals and places they might not get into. What openings and closings have you covered? Think about who you might be able to tag in your coverage.
5. Always include a call to action
The newsletters have gained many “subscribers” quickly. But all this means is that people are notified when you publish.
What do you want them to do? Go to your site? Sign up for your newsletters? Become subscribers? Be sure to include that call to action in your post.
Remember, not all content is going to do well on LinkedIn. What can you provide people looking to grow or further their careers or businesses? That is what will help your newsletter grow.